Monday, December 8, 2008

Deck the Halls

I can't even count on my fingers the number of times I have cried over the past few days. The stupidest thing will set me off; An onstar commercial on the radio, a reuniting scene on TV, Cooper crying because he's really sad...........It's so annoying. I cried to myself the other day because I couldn't find my keys. I feel so overemotional, and I want to control it, but for some reason (could be that I'm pregnant with twins) it seems to be in control of itself. This is very much unlike me, as my emotions are usually in check. For the sake of my husband and my children, however, I pray that this oversensitive, easily jolted, super emotional side of me finds it's way home, away from me, really, really soon.

I can feel the little girls moving around, kicking, squirming and having a blast in this enormous thing in the middle of me that was once a belly. Now, yes, I've always been a chubby chick, and my belly sure hasn't been flat in...........Come to think of it, I don't know if it ever has been!! But, this belly now is more like a giant round pillow that I've stuffed under my shirt for play. Only it's not for play. I was in Walmart today and while in line I struck up a conversation with a lady in front of me who had a 3 1/2 month old daughter. She was cooing, gurgling and smiling at Cooper. The lady said, "She loves to look at and jabber at other babies, does yours?" I said "Yes, and hopefully that will continue when his twin sisters are born this Spring." After a small congrats and a disclosure of month they are due she snuck in "I thought you looked pretty pregnant, but I didn't want to say anything, just in case you really weren't. You can never tell anymore." So for those of you who haven't seen me in a while, just imagine me, looking 8 months pregnant, but not being so. I can only hope that I'll still be able to walk in 2 months when I'm only 7 months along!!

Since my doctors have put me on the Protonix for my heartburn I haven't felt one ounce of pain. It has been so wonderful not having to worry about whether my acid reflux is going to be so bad that I'll have to leave the room just in case I have to puke. That's not a fun way to go about your day, but that's the way that it's been for me every day, for months. Until Protonix. I am very thankful to the person who invented this wonderful concoction.

We put our Christmas tree up yesterday and it is beautiful. The stored decorations were brought out, and one by one we decorated walls, shelves, counters, and of course, the tree. Cooper can truly enjoy the tree this year, as he is walking, talking and can reach everything on it. He even shouted out " Pitty" which of course, in Cooptalk is "pretty." We have placed a baby gate all around the tree, and though funny, it looks like it was meant to be. An old Santa we had was in the trash due to years of falling apart, and Cooper found it solidly attaching himself to it. I couldn't understand at first, but then I saw: The santa was holding a bag full of toys and one of the toys in the bag was a train. Cooper is in LOVE with trains now and he wasn't letting that one out of his sight. He hung on to it with all his might, but I was unable to remove the train from the santa. It was glued, screwed in and stuck on to other little toys in the bag - It was just a decoration, not ever meant to be played with by a train struck little toddler. The garbage welcomed it this morning with an open lid.

Katie just loved the decorations, and was very helpful in placing them all on the tree this year. She reminisced on ornaments she's received in the past with "Mama, remember this one?" or "Dad, remember when you gave me this one?" She danced around with a princess ornament her granny gave her and later found Christmas hats that she placed on her and Cooper. We were able to snag a picture of it before they ripped the hats off. Christmas music was in the background and the house smelled fantastic. It was al l the little things that help me get in to the holiday spirit and I loved every minute of it.

I have backed out of the annual Christmas bunco party with my bunco team this year. I feel bad, but at the same time, I know my friends will understand that I just need to rest and be with my family during that time. Corey and I have our own annual Christmas party that we are hosting (with another couple, thank goodness) the following weekend, and it will be a late, very busy event. This is the dinner party where a group of guys (8 of the 10 participating this year) get together for a gift exchange, and bring their wives. They have done this for a decade or so, beginning long before any of them had wives or girlfriends - It will probably continue on for decades more. So, we thought that four weekends in a row of leaving the children with family is too much for them, which means too much for me, too. Now, I'm off to continue planning our holidays and keeping it close to home. Home is where the heart is so that's where I ought to be!! On with the joy!!

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