Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Lights Out!

Over the past few days it has snowed, and snowed and snowed and snowed. Oh, did I mention that it has snowed? Yes, I will have my white Christmas. And a white New Year's and at this rate a White Valentines day. It has pretty much snowed non-stop here since Thursday. There is enough snow in our front yard to bury our dog when he goes out in it. Our driveway has been plowed twice, and each time it was snowing so hard that within an hour after being plowed you couldn't tell that it had been. Aside from there being so much, it's the most beautiful sight I've seen in a while - Kind of like a scene out of a Thomas Kincade painting. Which is what I was truly looking forward to this year.

Unfortunately, because of the snow, Katie's Christmas program was canceled and she was out of school the last 2 days of last week. We have shoveled, chipped ice and have constantly cleaned off the cars. Our town had a snow emergency declared and ALL local freeways, going both directions, have been closed for the past 3 days. Grocery stores stocks have been thinning, retail stores haven't received their shipments of gifts and other Christmas necessities, and of course, UPS is now 3 days behind in their deliveries for our area. It's been a mess. But, today it looks as if we'll get a little break - A new storm is set to hit tomorrow. Thank goodness it will be Christmas Eve and people won't be going anywhere.

Last Wednesday we decided to bring the dog in to get warm - It was about 10 degrees outside. He smelled so horrible! I had to burn some candles and spray some air freshener just so as not to gag. We knew he still needed to come in again, so Corey bathed him on Thursday. Much better. It's Tuesday and I don't believe he has smelled decent this long, ever. Having clean snow to roll around in instead of his own poo is much nicer for all of us. He has slept inside the past few nights without one accident, which was a great fear of mine. He is tethered to the front door in our entryway on a fluffy blanket, so he can't go anywhere. To my surprise he's been great so far. No, honey, that doesn't mean I want him in permanently. Just until the weather is warmer and he can handle it outside.

I am truly disappointed about one thing this week. Well, that gift exchange with all my husbands' friends and wives went great. Dinner was fantastic. BUT I WAS THE FIRST STINKIN' GIRL OUT OF THE POKER GAME!! It was so much fun, but I had practiced for the past few months, and have really got my game down. The winner? Lovely Marcie, who I had to BEG to play with us - She had never played before and didn't really know how. LOL. That was a heck of win for beginners luck....It looks like she fooled us all! But, in turn, I am very happy that a woman won the tournament. I love it! The power was lost throughout the county at about 10pm, right in the middle of our poker game. The hosts were well prepared, and nobody missed a beat - Poker by candlelight....lol. One for the memory books! Every person brought a white elephant gift as our entry fee, and as each person was eliminated, they chose a gift and opened it. 2 steals allowed, with the winner taking any gift opened, no matter how many times it had already been stolen. The gift I chose was a great coffee mug with coffee mixes and a starbucks gift certificate. Yay! I can still drink decaf! Corey, however, ended up with a box that he warned me ahead of time not to choose. It was the last one, and he ended up with it. It was a super real looking rattlesnake attached to the bottom of the inside of a box. I HATE snakes. They are my greatest fear. So, Corey, has chosen (so far) to put the snake in the cupboard for me to see when I open it up to get baking goods. He got me then. He has also put the snake in the refrigerator on the middle shelf, with the camera running right next to it. Well, He got me there too. Stupid snake. Stanley, I like you, I really do, but that has to be the all-time worst white elephant present that has been brought into our home. I can't blame you for Corey's pranks, but you brought the darn thing. A years worth of hair clippings in a pillowcase (Derek!) would have been more welcomed than that god awful, real looking, ugly, evil, tongue sticking out rattlesnake. I should burn it while Corey's at work.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I can't believe it's here. Tomorrow night we'll watch for Santa, and set out cookies and milk for him. We'll put the kids in their new Christmas PJ's and settle them down for a long night of rest. Maybe Corey and I will light a fire, turn on the music and just enjoy each others company in a home surrounded by mounds of clean, white snow. At this very moment Corey is hard at work, our babies are kicking, Cooper is singing and Katie is still sleeping. All I really need or wanted for Christmas is right here with me. My wonderful husband, my beautiful daughter, my precious little boy and two healthy, growing baby girls - I couldn't ask for more.

Merry Christmas All!

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