Saturday, December 13, 2008

Grandma got ran over by a reindeer

This morning we woke to a blanket of snow all around. Well, it was more like a really loose afghan rather than a blanket, as there were several spots of ground and rocks still poking through the snow. But tonight should lay out a different scene for us to wake to tomorrow. With this arctic weather that is coming our way, and quite a bit of precipitation in the air, I anticipate lots of snow in the next few days. I have been looking forward to the snow this year because it's beauty is something that takes my breath away. I say that now, but, I'm sure that when we have 4 or 5 feet of snow in our yard in early spring I'll feel differently. In the meantime I can think of just one thing: I just might get my Christmas wish - Snow on Christmas!!

The Christmas bunco party was last night, and though I missed seeing those friends, I just didn't have the energy to go. It was one of the first things that I have stepped up to say, "nope, I just can't do it." There are many things that I'm sure I shouldn't be doing, but can't help. When the snow and the 70 mile per hour wind gusts hit last night I didn't stop to think it over, and headed out to gather some things from our porch and deck that were banging against the house. Don't worry! Corey put a stop to that pretty fast, reminded me that it's really slick out and how awful it would be if I fell in the snow and ice in my condition. So, instead of that, I grabbed the stool and headed to the cupboard to pull out candles, just in case we lost power. I got my rear chewed for that too, as I was caught red handed as Corey came in after clearing the decks. I should know better, but I just keep thinking "I'm barely over 5 months along, and I can do it." It's becoming more and more evident that I can't do everything.

In order to get out of bed in the morning I roll out, instead of just sitting up. My whole body is so different this pregnancy and I am anxious to see what the docs tell me this week. I know I've put on some weight, but still not much. Many of the things that I am usually able to do are so difficult now, and the pressure and pelvic pain....holy cow! But, I am now carrying 2 babies that are 11 inches each, weigh just over a pound each, and at last glance, were both sideways. Unless you've been there to experience this yourself, the only way I can truly describe this is that it feels like I have several hands in my belly trying to tickle me from the inside out. I still look and feel 8 months along. Part of Corey's diligence in keeping me safely inside last night included one sentence that still rings in my head today; "You have one week left until the doctors put you on bed rest." I am fairly confident that I won't be put on bed least not yet. I might not move so well, but, I'm happy and healthy, as are these precious baby girls. I know now to settle down and rest more, so I will.

From here on out, I will rest more. This morning we took the children to the local antique airplane and automobile museum in town. Cooper is fascinated with airplanes (he calls them bearplanes) and today they were holding an indoor RC plane "fly in." He was so amazed at all the airplanes he got to see, and the RC planes were just awesome to him. In the hangar where the Fly in took place was a wood built plane with real equipment and switches that children could play in. Cooper made several rounds just taking in every inch of that airplane, mimicking plane sounds and turning the propeller in front. He also got to take a turn sitting in it, and we got some great pictures of his first time in an airplane. All good things must come to an end, however, and Cooper didn't agree with that so well today. Some fly in watchers got a nice air show from Cooper - Vocal air, that is.

This week Katie will be performing in her last elementary school Christmas program - I think they call it holiday program for political reasons, but we celebrate Christmas in our house, so that's what we call it. I am sad that it ends here, but maybe she'll choose some music program as an elective in middle school for next year. It's so surreal that my little girl will be headed to middle school next year. Hmm. I'm nervous, anxious, excited and slightly terrified by this...I imagine this happens to every parent of every child, boy or girl, but still. It's so different from elementary school and everything is bigger - Classes, sports, cliques, attitudes and .... ..eeek...boyfriends. Nah, she can just wait until she's in college.

On Friday I will have my monthly OB check up. I believe that after that I will start to go in every 2 weeks instead of once a month. We'll have an ultrasound at that appointment and I'll get an update on here after that. The boys' gift exchange is Saturday, and I'm looking forward to that. I'll get to see some friends that I don't get to see often, and if all goes well, I'll do some butt kickin' at the after dinner couples poker game. I've been practicing on POGO (free game website) during my "put my feet up" time and have won several tournaments that I am pretty proud of. Corey has taught me well, and I hope that I don't get stupid playing in a real game. Practice, practice!

So, as I type this, my children are watching "Grandma got ran over by a reindeer." I know the song, but I had no idea that it was a cartoon. In the show, the family dog just found grandma's shoes and fruitcake in the! When I was 15 my grandparents took me and a friend up to Mt. Bachelor on our snowmobiles to get a Christmas tree and, to make the story short, my grandma got ran over by her snowmobile. Granddad and I put together the song that I'll always remember:

Granny got ran over by a snowmobile
on her way to cut a tree one day
You can say there's no such thing as killer snowmobiles
But as for me and granddad, we believe.

It was a cold and winter Sunday
when we went up to find a tree
But somehow gran fell off her snowmobile
and twisted up her foot and hurt her knee.

At first she thought that it was nothing.
But day by day her foot turned black
We took her in to get an x-ray
And found she broke her ankle right in half!

Granny got ran over by a snowmobile........

And, you know the rest. Onward to more Christmas memories, hopefully none consisting of killer snowmobiles!

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