Friday, December 19, 2008

Dashing through the snow

I wished for a white Christmas. And, it looks as though I just might get that wish. It snowed last week and melted. Then, it snowed again...and froze. And snowed and snowed and snowed. We have close to a foot of snow at our house and my goodness is it beautiful. Our home sits at the top of a hill overlooking the Hood River Valley and from my living room window I get to see all the snow piled up on the trees and covering the whole valley floor. It is a beautiful sight. The downfall, however, comes on the roads when having to drive in it. Corey just called me a moment ago on his way home from town to tell me about all the people who were slipping and sliding all over the place.....Including him! (But not because of carelessness) We have a big, heavy four wheel drive that did just fine earlier in the day when we went to town. But, when the roads are plowed, not sanded, then some snow melts, then the temperature drops below freezing, it makes for a huge slippery mess. Especially the Friday before Christmas in a little town like ours! I don't imagine I'll be driving anywhere soon.

Today was my 23rd week OB checkup. Yay for no acid reflux. Not so yay for the 6 pounds I put in on the past 4 weeks because I could actually eat something. It could have been the extra layers I was wearing because of the snow. Or I could just suck it up that I really gained some baby weight the past few weeks and know that I, and the girls, are healthy as can be. At the ultrasound appointment we had in Portland a few weeks back the sonographer didn't disclose everything that she saw, or didn't see, and we found out everything today. Both babies are growing right on schedule; measurements are good, hearts beat fine and they move with great agility. Baby B is still the sportster, as she runs a heart rate of about 145. Baby A, not such a mover, is averaging 138-140 for her heart rate. Several appointments back we were told that the babies each had their own placental sac and that they were fraternal. Now, if you aren't familiar with how it works with twins, some share a placental sac and some have their own. And some share amniotic sacs as well. If the twins share a sac, they have a much higher probability of being identical. And, with that, comes the higher probability of risks - One twin taking too much food supply leaving another with less, if one is sick, the other could be as well...The list is quite lengthy. If they have their own placental sacs they would be fraternal. Well, it turns out that the doctors aren't sure what's in there, and that's mostly because the sonographer, who specializes in this, was not able to clearly see two amniotic sacs or two placental sacs. Since the reports are now conflicting, we must go back in 2 weeks to have another look. They should be able to tell by then. Also, on the report they sent to my doctor, they noted that they couldn't, but wanted to, see the babies lips. Everyone got a kick out of that, but these girls really were stubborn by putting their arms over the parts that the sonographer wanted to see.

I got the talk from the doc as well - LET PEOPLE HELP YOU!! Like I've said before, letting go is one of the hardest things I have had to think about. But, the time is now to rest more, put my feet up, and as the doctor says, LAY DOWN! She told me that the uterus is now the same size as it would be with a full term baby. In other words, I'm huge. She has not put me on bed rest, but I think she was trying to scare some sense into me by informing me that they USED to be required to put all mothers carrying multiples on bed rest at 20 weeks. She also said that weeks 24 to 32 are critical, and I must take extra care of myself, for the sake of the girls, during this time. So, NO BED REST.....yet. However, since Corey has now heard it firsthand from the doctor, he knows the importance as well, and will not let me get away with anything, I'm sure.

I am now to the point in the pregnancy where I will be seeing the doctor every 2 weeks. I knew it was about time for that. The doctor today told us that since we're having twins we should expect to be seen more often from here on out than with a single pregnancy. Sometimes it may only be a week between visits, depending on my, and the girls', condition. Rest, rest, rest.

Cooper got to play in the snow the day before yesterday for the first time. I couldn't take him out on my own, but when Corey got home he was ready to go: snow pants, snow boots, big puffy coat, a fuzzy hat and gloves. Sooooo sweet! He didn't like it when I was dressing him, but when he realized that he was going outside....Oh boy! Corey found him a baby sled with a buckle in it and he got to ride in it while being pulled by sister and Daddy. We got several pictures of it and it was so great. Katie is growing out of her fun in the snow stage, and would much rather be in the house watching Hannah Montana, or curled up in her bed reading a good book. I'm so proud of how well she's doing with her reading this year. She is loving all the books she's read - We have waited years for this! Basketball season starts up soon for her, so we'll be at a practice or two a week, and a weekly game beginning the first week in January. She's very excited about it and I hope that I'm able enough to make it to as many practices and games as possible. Cooper was born in the middle of softball season, now the twins could come during basketball. I think that Katie wouldn't care one bit when they were born, as long as it wasn't on March 23 - her birthday. I wish for that too. Everyone needs their own birthday!

Our Christmas shopping is done. I say that hesitantly because if I know my husband, he'll think of something on Tuesday or Wednesday that one of the kids MUST have, and he'll go find it. This paragraph should have started with I am done Christmas shopping. This is my first year as a mother of a child who knows the truth about Santa. I can't tell you how difficult it was to break the news to her. I broke down into tears, and had a good bawl. But, we put her off last year when she asked. So, when her friends this year told her she was crazy, she brought it up to us again. We decided several weeks back that if she asked, we would tell her the truth. So we did. I never enjoyed a lie as much as that one, but the spirit is what matters, and we made sure she understood that. Santa might not come down the chimney, or really be the one to eat the cookies and drink the milk, but, we'll still celebrate his arrival, every year. We'll still set out cookies for him, and somehow, they will be gone and the milk glass will be empty. Presents will still be from Santa, and the stockings will be filled with lots of love from Jolly Ol' Saint Nick. No matter how old we get, the spirit of Christmas will always be with this family. And the day after Christmas, we'll be planning for next year. Happy Holidays!!

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