Saturday, November 29, 2008

Those crazy bargains

It's Saturday morning and though life is will continue to be hectic on a daily basis, I am quite content and relaxed with Cooper by my side watching Saturday morning baby cartoons. He has copied my sighs a few times and it's just precious. I won't be going anywhere today, I don't think, and that makes me one happy person.

Due to some scheduling conflicts, we had Thanksgiving on Friday rather than Thursday. The feast was grand, as it always is with us. Turkey, smoked salmon, lots of side dishes and lots of desserts. We all ended up with enough leftovers to last us a few days. OK by me, as cooking isn't my forte these days. And, as if Thanksgiving that day wasn't enough for me, I decided to be a part of the ridiculous crew of folks that got up early and waited in line for the stores to open. My first stop: Walmart. Ugh! I got there at 4:15 AM and the line had already formed across the front of the store, and was turned and headed back along the grass toward the parking lot. (If you aren't familiar with our walmart, use your imagination) I figured there would be several people there, and really, my spot in line wasn't that bad. I did notice that there was no gate or rope lining people up to where they needed to be and stay. I had seen this on news reports for Black Friday in the past, but I figured, hey, it's Hood River.....People are nice here! I'm so friggin naive.

I waited patiently, IN MY SPOT, for 45 minutes for the doors to open. The manager announced it's opening and everyone cheered - Yay, here we come crazy bargains. Just after he led the first person in, however, it turned out that several people were in their cars just waiting for the doors to open. They jumped out and ran for the door. Well, you know, all these people waiting for god knows how long couldn't bear the sight of the line cutters getting in first so all of a sudden the walmart parking lot became this stampede of hundreds of anxious people wanting to get in the doors. I was nearly trampled a few times, and was rammed by a cart or two that was in front of a frantic runner. For a moment I thought walmart was hosting a marathon or something with all these people, young and old, bolting for the doors. I was one pissed little mama. I can't run! So I hobbled, waddled and tried my best to keep out of the way of the maniacal crowd. Once at the door it took me a few minutes to get in - OK. Then, I wanted to head back to electronics. It looked like a lions pit. People ripping, tearing and shoving their way toward the gifts on their lists. At first entry to the store one lady kept huffing and puffing that the line wasn't moving, and started to ram her cart into my side. Once, a mistake. Twice, maybe even that was a mistake, but on the third time I confronted her and told her that I COULDN'T MOVE and trying to push me along with the cart wasn't doing a thing. She mentioned that I had "all this room" in front of me. I turned around so that she could see the enormous belly that sticks out far enough to be an extra person and she responded snobbily, "Oh, well I didn't KNOW you were pregnant." Like it matters??!! I felt the blood pressure rising fast.

Forty five minutes after I got through the door I FINALLY got to electronics and grabbed the first item on my list. There were only 2 left when I got there. Then one electronic item I wanted was being held at the jewelry counter and I had to buy it there. So I waited in line for 40 minutes to buy the 2 things I had in hand, then I was off again to finish my shopping. Minute by minute the crowds were dispersing. Families had come in to take advantage of the $8 winter coats, $4 pajama sets and $1 towels. Parents were clawing for the $88 Power Wheels and the $750 plasma 50" TV's were heading out the door at warp speed. Walmart suddenly looked like a store that had been ransacked after an Armageddon warning. But, by even 6:30 AM, the crowds were thinning, people were in line to check out, and I was no longer getting rammed by overanxious tweakers wanting to buy a damn barbie.

I had picked up everything on my list, surprisingly. I checked out for the last time at a little after 7AM. I still couldn't believe that I was able to fulfill my list, and that was an amazing feat. I conquered Black Friday! Yeah, I almost unleashed a side of me I haven't seen in a few years, but I didn't. And that was good for all involved, myself included. I talked to Corey just after leaving the store and swore I'd never do it again. HOWEVER, with prices that good and 4 children and a husband to shop for next year, I just may have to. But, I'll try to be at the front of the line so that I don't get trampled.

Katie has been in Bend for the last 3 days visiting her dad and his family and will be coming home today. We have today and tomorrow to relax, then Corey heads off for a business meeting for a couple of days. I don't think we have anything going next weekend, but then every weekend, and some weeknights, are busy through Christmas. The babies will be getting lots of food this season, and judging by how they wiggled and kicked last night, they'll enjoy every drop they get.

The holidays are here ( I always judged that by Santa's appearance on the Macy's Parade) and I am overjoyed for the craziness to begin. The holly, the lights, the decor, the tree, the presents under the tree....It's all just wonderful.

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