Sunday, November 9, 2008

Crazy candy and puffs

Well, with both Corey and I busy with things, and me having to rest during the daytime more often, it hasn't left us with much time to plan for a garage sale. So, it's not happening....At least not this fall. We'll be tossing some things, moving some things around, and storing some other things in our shop until we're able to sell them, or find new homes for them. Life was too hectic to plan something like a garage sale....We probably should have figured as much. But everyone here at home has their own tasks and jobs, and everything's getting done nicely in preparation for twin residency.

Halloween was fantastic. Cooper and his duck costume we're a solid hit and Katie was just beautiful in her little red riding hood costume.. There wasn't another duck out there, at least that we saw, and I don't recall seeing another little red riding hood either. Katie has decided that this would be her last year trick or treating, as she is becoming less and less interested in the door to door solicitation for candy. That came somewhat of a shock to us, but for some reason, many of her friends have decided the same thing, and I think she's following in their footsteps. Though sad, we still have a toddler and two babies who will be trick or treating for the next decade at least, so it's not like we will miss out on Halloween.

Corey's Lazy Turd competition was a great success. Thirty two men took part in this annual event, and it sounds as though it was a lot of fun for all. With all the preparation Corey did for this event, and all the excitement that everyone had in looking forward to it, it was bound to be a memorable day for all. Though Corey didn't win first place, he did bring home an awesome golf bag prize that was donated by a staff member at Dakine. He's pretty happy about that. I'm just happy that it was so successful and that everyone had a good time. On to next year's event planning.....

So...I'm sure everyone's just dying here as I type about the family with little mention of the twins so far. Many of our friends knew we were going to Portland this past Friday to an ultrasound center for a 3D/4D look at the babies and to determine their sexes. After 20 minutes into the scan, baby B, the baby towards the top was found to be a little girl! The sonographer is only allowed to say she's 85% sure, just in case, but she reassured us that there was no doubt in her mind it was a girl. We agree. We saw the "princess puffs" pretty clearly. I love how their genitalia was described by the sonographer in such a fun way. Baby A, the baby towards the bottom was really being uncooperative, and kept it up for nearly 45 minutes. However, after I flipped over a few times, ate some Pez (for a sugar rush), and finally got the baby to uncross it's legs, the sonographer finally saw it;

It was another little pair of "princess puffs." That's right folks, we're going to be the proud parents of twin girls!! I'm pretty sure that "Holy shit!" was my first response, followed by lots of excitement with talk of 2 prom dresses, 2 first dates, 2 first cars and, God help us, 2 more weddings. This combination, however, will be much easier than the boy/girl combination that I had that mothers intuition about. The girls can share clothes, toys, hair supplies, and I can't wait to get to dress them up. It's been over a decade since I've been able to dress up a little girl, and I know it will be so much fun. I imagine that Corey will have these little girls wrapped right around his fingers, snuggling, swooning and taking in how beautiful they'll be.

We're just about halfway there and we're getting more and more excited each day. Now we can plan decor, buy some girl gear, and begin the oh so crazy task of choosing their names. Ideas for the names are welcome, but we won't share their names until the arrival - We did this with Cooper as well. I have two more appointments this month, and we'll keep everyone updated to how those go as well. It looks like we'll have cheese names for these fetus' much like we did with Cooper: Cooper was Cheddar. These babies have already been named swiss and havarti, and they were named this before we found out their sexes - Kinda feminine if you ask me...KIM!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Cooper is gonna have his hands full with all those sisters! How exciting... Love, Lizzie