Friday, November 21, 2008

Of Children and Men

It's been nearly 2 weeks since my last post. Ha! I keep telling myself, almost daily, that I need to get blogged for the week, but somehow time slips away and I just don't get it done. Those of you who know me well enough know that I WILL get it done, in time. Thanks for the patience.

So, there's not much to report since my last revelation that twin girls will be joining us in the spring. As I mentioned in my last blog, however, baby B was much easier to see than baby A, as far as genitalia go. So, this Monday, at my super scan at a Perinatal center in Portland, we will have them double check those puffs and make sure that those weren't peter puffs instead of princess puffs. This fetal scan that I have to have done in Portland is one that the OB docs in HR referred me to, since I've got twins on board. Luckily, we were able to schedule it on the day we head home from the coast. YES.....Corey and I are going away for our first weekend away ALONE in nearly 3 years. Since we both acknowledge that it will be yet another few years before we can venture out alone again, my wonderful mother in law has generously offered to watch the kids while we have this last relaxing getaway. As if she hasn't already offered more than enough with lots of her vacation time next summer after the babies arrive, she's given us this. It really is great.

My 19 week appointment was yesterday. It was fast, to the point, and I think I was in and out of the appointment in less than 30 minutes....Record time so far with the prenatal appointments. Katie went with me this time. This was the first time that she has ever gone to one of my prenatal appointments, and she was quite surprised at how many questions were asked: Are the babies kicking? Any nausea? Vomiting? And lots of other "how's it coming along" type questions. The heartburn this pregnancy has been ferocious, and even my 2 a day dose of Zantac hasn't been working. That has not been fun. So, the doc has suggested that I give Protonix a try for a month - Once a day, at night before bedtime. I took the first dose last night and I haven't had one little sign of heartburn ALL DAY LONG!! It's a feeling that I haven't experienced in so long and I almost feel like NOW something's wrong. Haha. I've eaten like a horse over the past few weeks and expected the scales to be tipped at the appointment. But, to my great surprise, I'd only put on a pound in a month. The docs aren't worried, as the babies heartbeats are strong, and they're kicking like soccer stars.

As I sit here looking down at my enormously round belly, and admiring my newest investment, (belly ups pregnancy suspenders) I am surrounded by shrills and screeches from my children as their daddy takes aim at them with Katies spray water bottle full of ice water. What a fun game to teach the children in the house, in the winter, with water. Oh how I love this man whose inner child outshines the outer child on so many occasions. Our children are so blessed with a man like this as their father. I look forward to the years of adventures that he'll lead them on, and hope that when they grow to have children of their own that they indulge in a little inner child themselves. It's great to hear them laughing and even more endearing to see them at play. I love this life.

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