Wednesday, February 18, 2009

So Not the Drama

The sun is shining, it must be around 55 degrees, and all our animals have found a place to lounge in the sun. It's quite a change of scenery from the cloudy gloom we've had for the past few days. Cooper is down for a nap, and though I should be as well, I was unable to close my eyes. Maybe time on the computer will do it.

We are only to Wednesday this week, and it already feels as though it's been a full week. My last blog was 6am on Saturday, Valentines day. Katie had a basketball game that she was to play in early that afternoon and then Corey and I were to go out for a nice Valentine's evening afterwards. About an hour and a half before Katie's game we had her walk the dog. It's her chore, and just a usual thing around here. Sure, there was a little bit of snow here and there, but she's trekked through worse. I was just getting out of the shower as she walked in the house. I heard some commotion, but summed it up to loud boots and Katie just being a kid. Corey came to the bathroom door to try to explain to me that something had happened when suddenly Katie came out of her bathroom holding out her arms in front of her saying she couldn't see. She ran into a shelf we had in the hallway and knocked over some pictures before heading to her room - Funny that she couldn't see, yet she managed to make her way from her bathroom to her bedroom. Hmmm. I'm half naked at this point, holding Cooper back, attempting to make sense of whatever is happening amidst the yelling and chaos. I quickly dress myself and head to Katie's bathroom to find her green in the face and there's blood dripping from Katie to her sink. "OH MY GOD.....What in the heck happened?", I yelped. Calm Corey explained to me that miss Katie slipped outside and fell on her arm.........That's it?? All that drama for a fall? Good lord.

Corey finally got the wound cleaned up and was able to get a good look at the source of the bleeding - It wasn't large in size, but it was a deep gash, and the amount of blood it was pumping out must have scared Katie to death. It was a gash that was nearly stitchworthy. We couldn't understand the "I can't see!!" that she was yelling out to us, but if someone doesn't handle the sight of blood well, what do they do? They can black out. Which is what we believe started to happen with Katie. Once we had her somewhat calm, though still green in the face, Corey and I left the bathroom. Not 10 seconds later we hear it......Miss Katie has thrown up all over the bathroom. Between the trauma of the fall, the sight of blood and the pain in her arm, her body just couldn't take it. It was then that we knew though her drama of the situation was probably an overreaction, she really was affected physically by this. She couldn't bend her arm so we called her coach and pulled her from the game. Unfortunately this was the biggest game of the season, and we were very sorry to have missed it. But Katie was not in her right mind to handle basketball under any circumstance. Besides, she couldn't bend her arm and wouldn't have been able to play anyways. Our plans for a nice Valentines evening out were shortened by a few hours, but we had a wonderful dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. Just that time alone was so wonderful

Now, we probably wouldn't have mistaken her "sight of blood blackout" with dramatic overkill if we hadn't had a week full of drama already. I'm beginning to lose my mind with all the drama this child surrounds herself with. For instance, we went to her doctor last week to discuss some medication, one of which was an inhaler the doc wanted her on to help ease a cough that has lasted a couple of months. She only uses it at home, and it's only for the cough. Katie decided to go to school and tell her friends, her teacher AND her PE teacher that she has asthma, and is now on an inhaler for it. Of course, this freaked the teachers out that we wouldn't tell them such a thing, and the PE teacher was concerned that she had been overworking Katie since she needed this inhaler for asthma. Good grief. I had to make good with the teachers on this one, and explain the whole diagnosis to them - which was NOT asthma. Katie insists that she really thought she had asthma, though the doctor, Corey and I all explained the purpose of the inhaler to her in detail. That, along with several other things just about threw us over the edge last week - And then the arm thing.....phffftppph.

I have decided that I must be out of my mind. A hormonal preteen drama queen, a busybody toddler and twin girls due to arrive in just a few weeks??? Holy crap. Seriously, could life be any crazier than this? I suppose it could, but I thank my lucky stars every day that when I crawl in to bed each night I have Corey reassuring me that it's not that bad.

Tomorrow is the first of the confusing OB appointments - The NST at the hospital, followed immediately by my OB appointment across the road. I will have an ultrasound next week at some point too. I'm sure the girls have moved again. Hopefully they've moved into a GOOD position, and they'll stay there. I've never felt more excited not to be pregnant than I feel right now. Three weeks and 2 days - That's all the further along I have to be before the docs say it's OK to have them any time. So close, yet so far away........

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