Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Love Day!

It's just after 6am on Valentines day, and like clockwork, Cooper has awoken ready to take on his day. So, at the moment, Blues Clues is celebrating "Love Day" on TV and Cooper is absolutely happy and full of loves himself. What a wonderful way to begin this Love Day!!

I had mentioned in my last blog that I was going to plan something for V-Day for Corey and I to do, and that I had hoped to keep some of it a secret. That was too much work! ha. TOGETHER we decided on a movie and dinner at a restaurant we love. We also decided that our gifts to one another will actually be one gift - A much needed new camera. We can find the right one with time, and can do so before the girls arrive. Our last camera quit working during the holidays, so we've been pictureless for a while. It will be nice to get out together, alone, even if it's just for a couple of hours. I can't wait for tonight!

My OB appointment was yesterday. Man oh man, where do I start? Well, my first topic of concern was my weight LOSS. Yeah. I am down 2 pounds from my appointment last week and I truly didn't see that coming. Along with some other things that I'm not going to describe on here, my blood pressure was pretty high. And, it was taken after I'd been sitting, doing nothing but reading, for about 30 minutes. Obviously the doctor didn't like that. So, here's my report: Weight loss, high blood pressure, lots of contractions, I am HUGE and the babies are both about a week larger than their dates. NO, my dates aren't off. This pregnancy is dated down to the day and documented, so there's no mistake. Anyways, the doctor looked at me and said "you HAVE to try to keep these girls in there just 4 more weeks." She said this with a very worried look on her face, and said with their size, their positions (Baby A is breech, baby B is across the top of my belly on top of sister and they make a T shape), my blood pressure beginning to increase and the fact that my ability to move around is diminishing is cause for concern that they may try to arrive earlier than we want. Still no bedrest, but I'm becoming pretty restricted. 2 hours rest with feet up in the morning, nap with Cooper, 2 hours feet propped up in the afternoon, and try to completely rest in the evenings. I was told to expect the restrictions to increase over the next few weeks, but I don't see how it could be more restricted without bedrest! Hmmm.

I go in weekly now for the NST's and my OB appointment, and in a couple of weeks will have another ultrasound at the hospital. In earlier blogs I wrote that it took the nurses hours to find the heartbeats - This concerned me about having to do the NST's before my OB appointments, and I felt it would be a waste of time. I talked to Dr. Henson about it and she told me she chewed the hospital staff for not following through on this in my past visits. So, from here on out, if the nurses at the hospital can't get those heartbeats to register they have to call the doctors to immediately come over and do an ultrasound to find the babies locations - Apparently, even with twins, it shouldn't take more than an hour for this test. My first one was nearly 3 hours, and the second was about 2 hours. Both tests were unsuccessful and no reports were available for the doc to review. She's not happy about that, and I don't blame her.

Corey and Katie have decided that due to the docs reports they will be taking on all the laundry and all the dishes and Corey will be cooking. My poor husband is going to be so exhausted and honestly, I'm a little worried about him. He plays it off that he's fine and that he's enjoying taking over the work, but he already works so hard. Hopefully he doesn't overdo it.

Since I began typing this blog the daylight has arrived and I can see the new blanket of snow that has graced us. There are probably 4-5 new inches out and it's beautiful. Depending on the roads, this may affect our travels to a movie and dinner tonight! Whatever will be, will be, right?

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