Monday, February 9, 2009

Live, Laugh, Love

I love this blogging stuff. I am not one who can easily relay words through speech, and have found a love in being able to type, delete, retype and perfect what I REALLY mean to say without sounding like a complete idiot. It's really more of a way for me to share my feelings and emotions "on paper" with myself while at the same time sharing fun, sad and exciting stories with friends and family.

My baby Cooper has come down with a nasty, snotty cold. It happened somewhat abruptly last night, just after we put him to bed. Pretty convenient, huh? Poor boy is snotty, stuffy, coughy and wheezy - Poor little dude. Hopefully boosting him up in bed with his pillow will help him to breathe tonight and he'll sleep there. Last night we felt so bad about his coughing and stuffiness that we brought him in to bed with us. He slept peacefully throughout the night. But, when he sleeps with us both Corey and I get shoved to the far edges of our king size bed. Cooper is a flopper, puncher and a very hard kicker. In all honesty, we should have learned our lesson by the first time it happened, or even the tenth. But, somehow we manage to forget about that little negative side of him sleeping with us when we bring him to bed crying, wailing or just not feeling well. Oh well!

Valentines day is coming up this weekend and I'm going to plan something for Corey and me. I don't know exactly what it will be yet, but I'm hoping to keep a little bit of it a surprise. Corey is not big on surprises as I learned way back in the woo days when I threw him a surprise party with a bunch of people. YIKES! I'm sure we'll have fun no matter where we go or what we do...I've arranged for childcare that's not too late, though, as I'm not sure when or where my energy level will drop!

This past weekend Corey moved some furniture around and brought in an old dining table we have that is average height. The dining table we have and have used for the past couple of years is a beautiful table, but it's bottom is about 3 1/2 feet off the ground and the chairs are bar stool like. The past week or so, though I haven't complained about it, I have had a hard time getting on and off the chair, and have completely underestimated the size of my belly resulting in a "get on, doesn't work, get off, get back on, readjust" action that takes about as long as it does for a super sensitive cat to circle around until he finds his comfy spot. I'm sure it was pretty annoying for anyone to watch me try to do this day in and day out. I'd forgotten about the old table, but I'm glad Corey remembered. It's been a life saver and I can actually sit in the chair without anchoring my feet to the chair legs to ensure I don't fall out!

Sister in law Kathy came over yesterday and we talked baby shower. Looks like it's going to be planned for Sunday, March 1. It's hard to believe that March arrives in less than 3 weeks. I need everyone to pray, send happy thoughts, or whatever you do to spiritually wish for an action, that these girls don't decide to arrive before then. The shower should be lots of fun - It will be at Maija's/Kathy's house and it will be great to see all who can come. Sure, the gifts are fun, but seeing people who I haven't seen in a while is something I'm really looking forward to.

At this point in the pregnancy 10% of twins will arrive. Corey is friends with a couple whose twin boys arrived 10 weeks early. Ugh. I need to make it 5 MORE WEEKS, or I can't even deliver here in town. I dread the premature births and I dread a C-Section. The new maternity center at our newly remodeled hospital in town will be opening on March 7. I have to make it to March 14 in order to have them here, so that's the date I'm rooting for. That's 4 weeks and 5 days away folks. Whew...So close, yet so far away! As much as I worry about them arriving early, with my luck, they'll be waiting until the doctors at 40 weeks say," OK, you've had enough," and induce me. Both Katie and Cooper were at 41 weeks gestation with no signs arriving soon, so I was induced. Of course, with no sign of similarities in this pregnancy and the other two, other than just being pregnant, this one could be just as different as everything else thus far.

The doctors discussed my appointment schedules and decided that they do want me to be seen weekly from last week. So this Friday I go, and the following Thursday I go in for the first scheduled NST in the afternoon followed by my OB appointment. That will be my weekly appointment lineup every week from here on out. I suppose it's for the best - And as long as I just keep myself out of trouble, and out of the maternity ward, the appointments won't be so bad. I expected this.

I just looked outside and it's 5 o'clock and still light.......and snowing. It snowed a little last night but melted off today. The flakes are getting bigger by the second. I have sent my poor overworked husband out on the shopping errands for the day, as I am home with my sick little Cooper. He's been such a great man in regards to taking over and he's done so without a complaint one. I know he'll do great shopping tonight, but I still feel bad for sending him out on the errands. He works so hard and works even harder once he's home. I wish I could give him something great, but I suppose healthy wife and babies count, right? He still deserves the world.

So, off I go to tend to snottles, help with homework and check on dinner...I love motherhood.

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