Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Different Day, A Different Doc

I never truly understood the extent of the dangers of high blood pressure in pregnancy. In my past pregnancies I have had high blood pressure toward the end, but the doctors hadn't done anything about it. So, I figured the same this go round. I was sooooooo wrong. High blood pressure COULD be a sign of impending pre-eclampsia. Therefore, especially with twins, it is monitored like it would be in a person who was close to having a heart attack. That has made things somewhat stressful for us the past week, which is not what we need or want.

Last Thursday was my scheduled NST at the hospital - Baby B, as usual, was a showoff, and passed her test with flying colors. Baby A, again, as usual, wasn't cooperative and the hospital couldn't get good readings on her. After 2 hours of the nurses battling to get steady heartbeats, I was off to my scheduled OB appointment. BP was high, yet again. The doctor decided that instead of using the doppler to listen to the heartbeats she would just do an ultrasound to check positions and to check the girls' breathing and heart rhythms. Once again, baby A wouldn't cooperate. And, with my blood pressure so high, she got worried - In turn, I did too. She decided to consult with a neonatalogist in Portland to be advised. "Oh, hell" I thought. If she is truly worried enough to call a specialist in Portland then there must really be something wrong. About 20 minutes later she returned to inform me that the Portland Doc decided that there are just too many pieces of concern at the moment, and I was to immediately return to the hospital for monitoring, blood tests, urine tests, and possibly an overnight stay. I called Corey and told him that he'd have to cancel his plans with the boys and find a babysitter if he could, as I was headed over to be admitted to the hospital. Panic set in with both of us - Corey, because he was on the receiving end of information that I couldn't explain in detail. And me, because, well, here I was at 32 weeks headed over to the hospital because the doctor was fearful at my blood pressure and the dangers of having to deliver this early. I was shaking like a jitterbug. So back to the hospital I went - It was so fast that I had left and returned that the nurses hadn't even yet discharged me from the room from my first visit. I was hooked up and another NST was set up for me - I had blood tests drawn and was to fulfill a 24 hour urine collection order. It took hours and I never wanted to be home more than I did during that time. The more time we spent there, the more we questioned the reasoning for me being there. Yeah, high blood pressure, but I didn't think it was much different from the pressures taken the past couple of weeks. Yet NOW they freak out and find cause for concern. Hmmmm. At 9pm I was discharged. Everything came back fine and the NST was finally successful. The negative part - I was placed on bed rest until my next appointment the following Tuesday. I was still in the same situation I was before any of my appointments that day, and I truly felt like a perfectly good evening had been wasted on unnecessary worry.

Maija was home with the children and I headed home to go to eat something (it had been roughly 9 hours) and climb in to bed. With the kids in bed, and me headed there too, I sent Corey off to be with the boys. It was senseless for him to be home to watch me sleep when he had a chance to have a little fun with the boys. He's been working full time and coming home only to put in another full day worth of work with chores and household jobs. Needless to say, he absolutely deserved that time out and I didn't want him to miss out. Besides, it may be one of the last times he's able to get out for a while.

Since last Thursday our family has been so wonderful to have brought us food - Aunts, uncles, siblings, friends and parents have all contributed something over the past few days, and it has been so nice. Since I haven't been able to be up cooking, and Corey is doing everything else, it was perfect to have that food all ready to go. Thank you to all who have given your time, energy and great food to us. It was truly appreciated.

Cooper, on the other hand, was not so appreciative of his mommy not doing much. I had to play with him laying down and am no longer able to lift him. He is not happy about it in the least. Lucky for him, his daddy has been here and he's had a great time bonding with him. Unfortunately, he now chooses daddy over mommy for everything, and even takes toys away when I want to play with him. I think he's just mad at me.

Today was another NST and OB appointment. Finally, we were able to have an NST that was successful and both babies cooperated. It was a little over an hour in and out of the maternity ward and the nurse was fantastic. Blood pressure was down and everything was going fine. Corey picked me up from the test and we headed for the OB appointment, Coop in tow. I gained a pound in a week - which is really good. The nurse took my blood pressure and though it seemed similar to those taken in recent weeks, both the doc and the nurse didn't seem to be worried. Yay!!! The doctor, different from who I saw last week, did an ultrasound and found the babies to be just fine. Baby A, still breech, had great movement, and Baby B, laying transverse across the top of my belly was a super trooper, too. This doctor questioned my restrictions and informed me that although I would no longer be on bed rest, I'd probably need some help with the boy. This, makes me one happy camper. And, maybe I won't feel so useless anymore. I know now what I should and shouldn't do, and the rest of the pregnancy should go smoothly. I must make it to 35 weeks to deliver here in Hood River, but the doctor wants me to go to 36. She says that with the up and down of my blood pressure, a trace of protein in the urine, and recent problems with headaches and swelling, that she'll have me deliver at 36 weeks. That's 3 weeks and 3 days from now - Nerves are now setting in!!

The baby shower is this weekend - I'm excited for that - and just in time for our little girls' arrival. Mid March we'll be announcing the arrival of our babies - A day we're looking forward to with nerves, excitement, wonderment and a new set of earplugs for each of us. Ha!! The growth ultrasound is scheduled for next week, and after the next appointment, I'll update again. Till then, pray for one of the girls to be acrobatic and turn head down, and may the Kokopelli forget where we live for a few years.

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