Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Different Day, A Different Doc

I never truly understood the extent of the dangers of high blood pressure in pregnancy. In my past pregnancies I have had high blood pressure toward the end, but the doctors hadn't done anything about it. So, I figured the same this go round. I was sooooooo wrong. High blood pressure COULD be a sign of impending pre-eclampsia. Therefore, especially with twins, it is monitored like it would be in a person who was close to having a heart attack. That has made things somewhat stressful for us the past week, which is not what we need or want.

Last Thursday was my scheduled NST at the hospital - Baby B, as usual, was a showoff, and passed her test with flying colors. Baby A, again, as usual, wasn't cooperative and the hospital couldn't get good readings on her. After 2 hours of the nurses battling to get steady heartbeats, I was off to my scheduled OB appointment. BP was high, yet again. The doctor decided that instead of using the doppler to listen to the heartbeats she would just do an ultrasound to check positions and to check the girls' breathing and heart rhythms. Once again, baby A wouldn't cooperate. And, with my blood pressure so high, she got worried - In turn, I did too. She decided to consult with a neonatalogist in Portland to be advised. "Oh, hell" I thought. If she is truly worried enough to call a specialist in Portland then there must really be something wrong. About 20 minutes later she returned to inform me that the Portland Doc decided that there are just too many pieces of concern at the moment, and I was to immediately return to the hospital for monitoring, blood tests, urine tests, and possibly an overnight stay. I called Corey and told him that he'd have to cancel his plans with the boys and find a babysitter if he could, as I was headed over to be admitted to the hospital. Panic set in with both of us - Corey, because he was on the receiving end of information that I couldn't explain in detail. And me, because, well, here I was at 32 weeks headed over to the hospital because the doctor was fearful at my blood pressure and the dangers of having to deliver this early. I was shaking like a jitterbug. So back to the hospital I went - It was so fast that I had left and returned that the nurses hadn't even yet discharged me from the room from my first visit. I was hooked up and another NST was set up for me - I had blood tests drawn and was to fulfill a 24 hour urine collection order. It took hours and I never wanted to be home more than I did during that time. The more time we spent there, the more we questioned the reasoning for me being there. Yeah, high blood pressure, but I didn't think it was much different from the pressures taken the past couple of weeks. Yet NOW they freak out and find cause for concern. Hmmmm. At 9pm I was discharged. Everything came back fine and the NST was finally successful. The negative part - I was placed on bed rest until my next appointment the following Tuesday. I was still in the same situation I was before any of my appointments that day, and I truly felt like a perfectly good evening had been wasted on unnecessary worry.

Maija was home with the children and I headed home to go to eat something (it had been roughly 9 hours) and climb in to bed. With the kids in bed, and me headed there too, I sent Corey off to be with the boys. It was senseless for him to be home to watch me sleep when he had a chance to have a little fun with the boys. He's been working full time and coming home only to put in another full day worth of work with chores and household jobs. Needless to say, he absolutely deserved that time out and I didn't want him to miss out. Besides, it may be one of the last times he's able to get out for a while.

Since last Thursday our family has been so wonderful to have brought us food - Aunts, uncles, siblings, friends and parents have all contributed something over the past few days, and it has been so nice. Since I haven't been able to be up cooking, and Corey is doing everything else, it was perfect to have that food all ready to go. Thank you to all who have given your time, energy and great food to us. It was truly appreciated.

Cooper, on the other hand, was not so appreciative of his mommy not doing much. I had to play with him laying down and am no longer able to lift him. He is not happy about it in the least. Lucky for him, his daddy has been here and he's had a great time bonding with him. Unfortunately, he now chooses daddy over mommy for everything, and even takes toys away when I want to play with him. I think he's just mad at me.

Today was another NST and OB appointment. Finally, we were able to have an NST that was successful and both babies cooperated. It was a little over an hour in and out of the maternity ward and the nurse was fantastic. Blood pressure was down and everything was going fine. Corey picked me up from the test and we headed for the OB appointment, Coop in tow. I gained a pound in a week - which is really good. The nurse took my blood pressure and though it seemed similar to those taken in recent weeks, both the doc and the nurse didn't seem to be worried. Yay!!! The doctor, different from who I saw last week, did an ultrasound and found the babies to be just fine. Baby A, still breech, had great movement, and Baby B, laying transverse across the top of my belly was a super trooper, too. This doctor questioned my restrictions and informed me that although I would no longer be on bed rest, I'd probably need some help with the boy. This, makes me one happy camper. And, maybe I won't feel so useless anymore. I know now what I should and shouldn't do, and the rest of the pregnancy should go smoothly. I must make it to 35 weeks to deliver here in Hood River, but the doctor wants me to go to 36. She says that with the up and down of my blood pressure, a trace of protein in the urine, and recent problems with headaches and swelling, that she'll have me deliver at 36 weeks. That's 3 weeks and 3 days from now - Nerves are now setting in!!

The baby shower is this weekend - I'm excited for that - and just in time for our little girls' arrival. Mid March we'll be announcing the arrival of our babies - A day we're looking forward to with nerves, excitement, wonderment and a new set of earplugs for each of us. Ha!! The growth ultrasound is scheduled for next week, and after the next appointment, I'll update again. Till then, pray for one of the girls to be acrobatic and turn head down, and may the Kokopelli forget where we live for a few years.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

So Not the Drama

The sun is shining, it must be around 55 degrees, and all our animals have found a place to lounge in the sun. It's quite a change of scenery from the cloudy gloom we've had for the past few days. Cooper is down for a nap, and though I should be as well, I was unable to close my eyes. Maybe time on the computer will do it.

We are only to Wednesday this week, and it already feels as though it's been a full week. My last blog was 6am on Saturday, Valentines day. Katie had a basketball game that she was to play in early that afternoon and then Corey and I were to go out for a nice Valentine's evening afterwards. About an hour and a half before Katie's game we had her walk the dog. It's her chore, and just a usual thing around here. Sure, there was a little bit of snow here and there, but she's trekked through worse. I was just getting out of the shower as she walked in the house. I heard some commotion, but summed it up to loud boots and Katie just being a kid. Corey came to the bathroom door to try to explain to me that something had happened when suddenly Katie came out of her bathroom holding out her arms in front of her saying she couldn't see. She ran into a shelf we had in the hallway and knocked over some pictures before heading to her room - Funny that she couldn't see, yet she managed to make her way from her bathroom to her bedroom. Hmmm. I'm half naked at this point, holding Cooper back, attempting to make sense of whatever is happening amidst the yelling and chaos. I quickly dress myself and head to Katie's bathroom to find her green in the face and there's blood dripping from Katie to her sink. "OH MY GOD.....What in the heck happened?", I yelped. Calm Corey explained to me that miss Katie slipped outside and fell on her arm.........That's it?? All that drama for a fall? Good lord.

Corey finally got the wound cleaned up and was able to get a good look at the source of the bleeding - It wasn't large in size, but it was a deep gash, and the amount of blood it was pumping out must have scared Katie to death. It was a gash that was nearly stitchworthy. We couldn't understand the "I can't see!!" that she was yelling out to us, but if someone doesn't handle the sight of blood well, what do they do? They can black out. Which is what we believe started to happen with Katie. Once we had her somewhat calm, though still green in the face, Corey and I left the bathroom. Not 10 seconds later we hear it......Miss Katie has thrown up all over the bathroom. Between the trauma of the fall, the sight of blood and the pain in her arm, her body just couldn't take it. It was then that we knew though her drama of the situation was probably an overreaction, she really was affected physically by this. She couldn't bend her arm so we called her coach and pulled her from the game. Unfortunately this was the biggest game of the season, and we were very sorry to have missed it. But Katie was not in her right mind to handle basketball under any circumstance. Besides, she couldn't bend her arm and wouldn't have been able to play anyways. Our plans for a nice Valentines evening out were shortened by a few hours, but we had a wonderful dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. Just that time alone was so wonderful

Now, we probably wouldn't have mistaken her "sight of blood blackout" with dramatic overkill if we hadn't had a week full of drama already. I'm beginning to lose my mind with all the drama this child surrounds herself with. For instance, we went to her doctor last week to discuss some medication, one of which was an inhaler the doc wanted her on to help ease a cough that has lasted a couple of months. She only uses it at home, and it's only for the cough. Katie decided to go to school and tell her friends, her teacher AND her PE teacher that she has asthma, and is now on an inhaler for it. Of course, this freaked the teachers out that we wouldn't tell them such a thing, and the PE teacher was concerned that she had been overworking Katie since she needed this inhaler for asthma. Good grief. I had to make good with the teachers on this one, and explain the whole diagnosis to them - which was NOT asthma. Katie insists that she really thought she had asthma, though the doctor, Corey and I all explained the purpose of the inhaler to her in detail. That, along with several other things just about threw us over the edge last week - And then the arm thing.....phffftppph.

I have decided that I must be out of my mind. A hormonal preteen drama queen, a busybody toddler and twin girls due to arrive in just a few weeks??? Holy crap. Seriously, could life be any crazier than this? I suppose it could, but I thank my lucky stars every day that when I crawl in to bed each night I have Corey reassuring me that it's not that bad.

Tomorrow is the first of the confusing OB appointments - The NST at the hospital, followed immediately by my OB appointment across the road. I will have an ultrasound next week at some point too. I'm sure the girls have moved again. Hopefully they've moved into a GOOD position, and they'll stay there. I've never felt more excited not to be pregnant than I feel right now. Three weeks and 2 days - That's all the further along I have to be before the docs say it's OK to have them any time. So close, yet so far away........

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Love Day!

It's just after 6am on Valentines day, and like clockwork, Cooper has awoken ready to take on his day. So, at the moment, Blues Clues is celebrating "Love Day" on TV and Cooper is absolutely happy and full of loves himself. What a wonderful way to begin this Love Day!!

I had mentioned in my last blog that I was going to plan something for V-Day for Corey and I to do, and that I had hoped to keep some of it a secret. That was too much work! ha. TOGETHER we decided on a movie and dinner at a restaurant we love. We also decided that our gifts to one another will actually be one gift - A much needed new camera. We can find the right one with time, and can do so before the girls arrive. Our last camera quit working during the holidays, so we've been pictureless for a while. It will be nice to get out together, alone, even if it's just for a couple of hours. I can't wait for tonight!

My OB appointment was yesterday. Man oh man, where do I start? Well, my first topic of concern was my weight LOSS. Yeah. I am down 2 pounds from my appointment last week and I truly didn't see that coming. Along with some other things that I'm not going to describe on here, my blood pressure was pretty high. And, it was taken after I'd been sitting, doing nothing but reading, for about 30 minutes. Obviously the doctor didn't like that. So, here's my report: Weight loss, high blood pressure, lots of contractions, I am HUGE and the babies are both about a week larger than their dates. NO, my dates aren't off. This pregnancy is dated down to the day and documented, so there's no mistake. Anyways, the doctor looked at me and said "you HAVE to try to keep these girls in there just 4 more weeks." She said this with a very worried look on her face, and said with their size, their positions (Baby A is breech, baby B is across the top of my belly on top of sister and they make a T shape), my blood pressure beginning to increase and the fact that my ability to move around is diminishing is cause for concern that they may try to arrive earlier than we want. Still no bedrest, but I'm becoming pretty restricted. 2 hours rest with feet up in the morning, nap with Cooper, 2 hours feet propped up in the afternoon, and try to completely rest in the evenings. I was told to expect the restrictions to increase over the next few weeks, but I don't see how it could be more restricted without bedrest! Hmmm.

I go in weekly now for the NST's and my OB appointment, and in a couple of weeks will have another ultrasound at the hospital. In earlier blogs I wrote that it took the nurses hours to find the heartbeats - This concerned me about having to do the NST's before my OB appointments, and I felt it would be a waste of time. I talked to Dr. Henson about it and she told me she chewed the hospital staff for not following through on this in my past visits. So, from here on out, if the nurses at the hospital can't get those heartbeats to register they have to call the doctors to immediately come over and do an ultrasound to find the babies locations - Apparently, even with twins, it shouldn't take more than an hour for this test. My first one was nearly 3 hours, and the second was about 2 hours. Both tests were unsuccessful and no reports were available for the doc to review. She's not happy about that, and I don't blame her.

Corey and Katie have decided that due to the docs reports they will be taking on all the laundry and all the dishes and Corey will be cooking. My poor husband is going to be so exhausted and honestly, I'm a little worried about him. He plays it off that he's fine and that he's enjoying taking over the work, but he already works so hard. Hopefully he doesn't overdo it.

Since I began typing this blog the daylight has arrived and I can see the new blanket of snow that has graced us. There are probably 4-5 new inches out and it's beautiful. Depending on the roads, this may affect our travels to a movie and dinner tonight! Whatever will be, will be, right?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Live, Laugh, Love

I love this blogging stuff. I am not one who can easily relay words through speech, and have found a love in being able to type, delete, retype and perfect what I REALLY mean to say without sounding like a complete idiot. It's really more of a way for me to share my feelings and emotions "on paper" with myself while at the same time sharing fun, sad and exciting stories with friends and family.

My baby Cooper has come down with a nasty, snotty cold. It happened somewhat abruptly last night, just after we put him to bed. Pretty convenient, huh? Poor boy is snotty, stuffy, coughy and wheezy - Poor little dude. Hopefully boosting him up in bed with his pillow will help him to breathe tonight and he'll sleep there. Last night we felt so bad about his coughing and stuffiness that we brought him in to bed with us. He slept peacefully throughout the night. But, when he sleeps with us both Corey and I get shoved to the far edges of our king size bed. Cooper is a flopper, puncher and a very hard kicker. In all honesty, we should have learned our lesson by the first time it happened, or even the tenth. But, somehow we manage to forget about that little negative side of him sleeping with us when we bring him to bed crying, wailing or just not feeling well. Oh well!

Valentines day is coming up this weekend and I'm going to plan something for Corey and me. I don't know exactly what it will be yet, but I'm hoping to keep a little bit of it a surprise. Corey is not big on surprises as I learned way back in the woo days when I threw him a surprise party with a bunch of people. YIKES! I'm sure we'll have fun no matter where we go or what we do...I've arranged for childcare that's not too late, though, as I'm not sure when or where my energy level will drop!

This past weekend Corey moved some furniture around and brought in an old dining table we have that is average height. The dining table we have and have used for the past couple of years is a beautiful table, but it's bottom is about 3 1/2 feet off the ground and the chairs are bar stool like. The past week or so, though I haven't complained about it, I have had a hard time getting on and off the chair, and have completely underestimated the size of my belly resulting in a "get on, doesn't work, get off, get back on, readjust" action that takes about as long as it does for a super sensitive cat to circle around until he finds his comfy spot. I'm sure it was pretty annoying for anyone to watch me try to do this day in and day out. I'd forgotten about the old table, but I'm glad Corey remembered. It's been a life saver and I can actually sit in the chair without anchoring my feet to the chair legs to ensure I don't fall out!

Sister in law Kathy came over yesterday and we talked baby shower. Looks like it's going to be planned for Sunday, March 1. It's hard to believe that March arrives in less than 3 weeks. I need everyone to pray, send happy thoughts, or whatever you do to spiritually wish for an action, that these girls don't decide to arrive before then. The shower should be lots of fun - It will be at Maija's/Kathy's house and it will be great to see all who can come. Sure, the gifts are fun, but seeing people who I haven't seen in a while is something I'm really looking forward to.

At this point in the pregnancy 10% of twins will arrive. Corey is friends with a couple whose twin boys arrived 10 weeks early. Ugh. I need to make it 5 MORE WEEKS, or I can't even deliver here in town. I dread the premature births and I dread a C-Section. The new maternity center at our newly remodeled hospital in town will be opening on March 7. I have to make it to March 14 in order to have them here, so that's the date I'm rooting for. That's 4 weeks and 5 days away folks. Whew...So close, yet so far away! As much as I worry about them arriving early, with my luck, they'll be waiting until the doctors at 40 weeks say," OK, you've had enough," and induce me. Both Katie and Cooper were at 41 weeks gestation with no signs arriving soon, so I was induced. Of course, with no sign of similarities in this pregnancy and the other two, other than just being pregnant, this one could be just as different as everything else thus far.

The doctors discussed my appointment schedules and decided that they do want me to be seen weekly from last week. So this Friday I go, and the following Thursday I go in for the first scheduled NST in the afternoon followed by my OB appointment. That will be my weekly appointment lineup every week from here on out. I suppose it's for the best - And as long as I just keep myself out of trouble, and out of the maternity ward, the appointments won't be so bad. I expected this.

I just looked outside and it's 5 o'clock and still light.......and snowing. It snowed a little last night but melted off today. The flakes are getting bigger by the second. I have sent my poor overworked husband out on the shopping errands for the day, as I am home with my sick little Cooper. He's been such a great man in regards to taking over and he's done so without a complaint one. I know he'll do great shopping tonight, but I still feel bad for sending him out on the errands. He works so hard and works even harder once he's home. I wish I could give him something great, but I suppose healthy wife and babies count, right? He still deserves the world.

So, off I go to tend to snottles, help with homework and check on dinner...I love motherhood.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Freak Show

Giant, round, bloated, wheezy and slow. That's the perfect description of a beached whale attempting to get back to the water. However, that's also the perfect description of me in the present day. I am bigger than I ever imagined, slower than I've ever been and I have never weighed this much in my entire life. Aside from all those crazy side effects of this twin pregnancy, I am doing well and am happy.

After the fall last week and the ultrasound that showed that the babies turned I was just looking forward to the next visit to my OB doc to get a full check up and make sure that the girls and I were in good shape and form. Like I mentioned in my last blog - What should be just isn't in the cards. I have developed the oh so fun symptom of swelling. My face is swollen, my legs and ankles are swollen and my shortness of breath is becoming annoying. I have never experienced swelling with either one of my other pregnancies, so this is a new and quite un-enjoyable event. Anyways, the arrival of this symptom, accompanied by 5 days worth of headaches, got me a front of the line ticket right back in the maternity ward at the hospital to evaluate and monitor for the possibility of pre eclampsia. Never had that before either. And, lucky for me, that wasn't my problem now. In fact, my blood pressure was fine and though they couldn't tell me the reason behind my sudden swelling, I was really in pretty good health. The nurses couldn't get the heartbeats of the girls for longer than a couple seconds at a time, so the NST (non stress test) that they were supposed to do on the babies was quite unsuccessful. It was frustrating for them, as they worked for over an hour to try to get the beats to register. I just laid back in the bed and let em' have at it. I wanted to help - I'm a stubborn broad and I still believe that I probably could have found the heartbeats better than both the nurses that were working on me. But, I was good, and kept that little opinion to myself. I didn't ask if they wanted any help, but let them ask me when they needed it. Ha.

My OB visit today revealed that everything was fine. I have developed anemia, but it's not anything that I can't regulate with some Iron supplements. My weight, though the number I see is ridiculous, is back to it's normal 1 lb a week gainage. I am happy about that. The babies are still head up. The doctor told me today that the chances of the girls moving again before they arrive are still very good. In fact, she told me, they'll probably do several summer saults before settling into their birth positions. YAY! I am still very hopeful for a natural delivery and the doc helped to make that wish more of a realization today. This doctor wants me to return in 2 weeks, instead of next week - And then, after 32 weeks, begin the weekly visits. They still want ultrasounds ever 4 weeks, and when I start my weekly visits to the OB doc, I'll also have weekly NST's at the hospital. Oh, fun.

Corey signed Katie up for little league tonight. It doesn't start until the end of March - Maybe even beginning of April, but little league in this area needs the sign ups done as early as possible. Cooper has been an angel today (Corey will argue that he's angelic everyday.) He has been full of hugs, kisses and tummy tickles for everyone and his laugh today was just contagious. I love those days.

Being pregnant has had it's ups and downs in the past few months. Mostly ups. I've also had my fair share of oddball run ins with congratulatory strangers, well wishers and the occasional freak show who suddenly bursts into story about someone they knew who had multiples. Today, while I was picking up lunch, an unkempt man walked into the restaurant I was waiting in and uninvitingly asked me "So, is there one or two in there?" I replied 2, and he began his unrestricted ramble of his friend who was left alone with triplets that he had to help care for and that he loves kids so much that he can't help but "watch the kids in the park." I looked at him with accusing eyes when he made that comment and he quickly retracted with "I mean, I can't help but watch OUT for the kids in the TRAILER park that I live in." Oh, well that's different. He finished his senseless ramble with "Well, at least we know your man's not shooting blanks!!"
Not the conversation that I would ever hope to have with someone like that. I walked out as fast as I could with our food in tow and I hope to GOD that I never see that crazy man for as long as I live.
And on that note, I'm escaping to bed.........