Thursday, January 29, 2009

Now Presenting: The Acrobat Twins!!

I'm learning slowly but surely with this pregnancy: What is isn't what it always should be. And what should be just isn't in the cards. After my fall on Monday and my visit to the hospital the girls were kicking and flailing wildly, and the nurse assured me that my pain would be so intense on Tuesday that I'd need help just getting myself around. Well, I was in less pain on Tuesday than I was Monday night, and I actually seemed to be walking a little better - So it seemed.

The way that the girls were kicking seemed different after that fall. Suddenly I have to pee every hour, and the movement toward the top of my belly just wasn't as prominent. This mostly became noticeable on Tuesday evening, but I kept feeling those flutters, so I just figured I'd wait until my ultrasound appointment on Wednesday to see what what going on. For the past 8 weeks or so the babies have been lying transverse, and we were pretty sure that they weren't going to move before their birth. Well, they did. And I bet I have that jolty fall to thank for it. Unfortunately for me, they both decided they'd had enough of this side lying crap, and that they must need to be head up if this baby baker is going to bounce em' around like that. Haha. I prayed for the girls to move and they surely did. Now, they're both breech. Shit, shit, shit. So, maybe if I pray just a little harder, baby A - the presenting twin, will do a miracle summer sault into a head down position. Though the possibility of a c-section has been very undeniable in this pregnancy, I still have hopes that I can deliver them naturally. I've been told that a c-section isn't that bad. But, when you've got a toddler to keep an eye on, 2 new babies that you need to nurse and care for, and other things that go along with the daily do list, a c-section is a highly dreaded event to even think about. But, whatever will be, will be. And life just doesn't always work in the ways we hope it will. ((sigh))

My ankles and legs have begun to swell slightly - Not too noticeable by my doctors, but very noticeable to me, as I have chicken legs. I wasn't built very proportionately and it really sucks. When I'm not pregnant I look like an upside down pear, including the stem. When I am pregnant, especially this one, I resemble a Dairy Queen Dilly Bar. They're the big, fat, round ice cream bar on a little stick. Anyways, the swelling is slight, but there, and I sure hope that it doesn't get progressively worse. The remedy, I hear, is just prop my feet up during the day, and night and RELAX. So, I guess I'll do a little more of that lazy woman stuff I've been doing.

Corey is worried that I'm not asking for help as much as I should, and that I don't recognize the difference between things I should and shouldn't be doing. I'll admit, I do much more than I probably should, but sometimes I just can't help it. I am not skimping on my rest and am making sure that I rest in intervals during the day. Now, I'll just have to rest some more!

Basketball season for Katie is in full swing. She won her first game and her second is coming up on Saturday. Her entire team is full of super tall girls, including her. Luckily, that's a GREAT trait to have for basketball. She is loving getting to play and everyone seems much more focused this year than when she was in 4th and 3rd grade. I guess my little girl is beginning to grow up!

Cooper has entered the hitting stage. Katie didn't go through that, so the first time I got clocked in the snout with a handful of train, it took me seriously by surprise. We've all been a victim of it, and he's learning that he can't communicate as well that way, so hopefully it'll pass soon. He's learning to say "I'm sorry" and it comes out in Cooptalk as a really fast "sawee." I smile each time he says it. And, though it's not really funny at all I can't help but laugh secretly when Coop gets mad at me for something, runs toward me at full speed and head butts me with everything he has. He usually finds himself lodged somewhere between the undercarriage of my belly and my legs. I'm not sure where he learned that head butt, that doesn't hurt, but can't help but feel gracious that my child is a head butter and not a biter (KNOCKIN' ON WOOD FOLKS!!!) I've been around biters who think that the ass end of their caretaker is just what needs to be bit. Both Katie and Cooper were early teethers, and I wonder if there is a connection between teething time and not biting. Maybe I just feed them so much they can't help but not want to chew on anything else besides their food. Hmm

So, the day has ended, Katie is showering in preparation for bed, Cooper's beginning his nighttime slow down and Corey's out for a much needed night out with the boys. Corey is always, always there for his family. He is such giver and provider, in every sense of the word, to all of us, all the time and I know how important it is to break away from the daily grind. It will be challenging for us, with 4 children, to get out on our own and enjoy our indulgences and friends, but it's so important that every couple has that time. It will be interesting to see how we allocate our couple time, our family time, our alone time and our one on one with the children time once the girls arrive. That alone kinda seems like a full schedule. But, other large families do it! And, we can too. Besides, with a relationship as strong as ours, we'll breeze right through it.

After Cooper is down, I'll be plopping on the couch with my feet up getting ready for another night of Americal Idol. Vocal superstardom was a dream of mine at one point in my life, so this show is my way of living the dream through someone else's eyes. I love it! Until next time......

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