Thursday, January 8, 2009


I am such an idiot. My brain is certainly not working as I would like it to be but I completely lost track of how far along I was...By a week! For the past, oh, 4 or 5 weeks I have been a week behind in my dates. So my last blog was wrong when I wrote that the babies are bigger than they should be...They're not. They're right on track and exactly the sizes they should be at this point in the game. Tomorrow I am 26 weeks along, not 25 as I have been telling people! This was discovered at my doctors appointment this morning and I came home thinking THEY were wrong. Hmmm.
I, surprisingly enough, didn't gain any weight over the past 3 weeks. Overall, my health is great and the babies are fantastic. I couldn't ask for more being pregnant with twins.

I will need to have ultrasounds done every 4 weeks now, but was able to arrange for the rest of them to be done here in Hood River rather than having to go to Portland again. I don't handle those trips well anymore as I am as huge as a cruise ship and getting me into our SUV involves an ass launch and/or a front tow. I can't see my feet, obviously, and I often get food and other crap on the undercarriage of my belly that I can't see. The only person who isn't afraid to tell me there's something there is Corey, and I'm sure some of it has to do with his own embarrassment of me lugging around a pudding dipped belly. I am so thankful to him for all his support this pregnancy, and really hope that he knows how much I appreciate him. I often butter our evenings with my legs propped up, trying to get comfortable and moaning about the braxton hicks contractions that seem to arrive just about the time he gets home from work. I don't mean to be negative, and I guess at the moment it happens I don't really see it as negativity. But, when I think about it later, I see that I can really be a miserable pill. Even in my most uncomfortable situation he's always perfect to me. I'm so lucky to be married to the greatest husband in the world....Isn't there a contest for that?? He'd win, for sure.

There is finally no snow on the ground, which I am truly thankful for, and our dear ol' dog has been sent packing back to his snug little kennel - He isn't a happy lab tonight. During a horrific windstorm we had a couple of nights ago he whined, panted and farted for an hour making me think he had to poop. He's become spoiled as an "inside dog" and had begun to refuse going outside without being accompanied by someone. That just doesn't work for me and at 2 am there I was, trying to let Corey sleep, tending to a scared little sleepless Cooper and attempting to put the dog out to poop. Needless to say it was a battle with the dog that ended up waking Corey. He took the dog out in the 75mph wind only to return with a dog that continued to whine and pant. THEN, about 20 minutes later, the power went out. It was a crazy night that came to a close at around 5AM. I hate nights like those - But nights like those are the ones we can look back on and say "remember when...."

We're all getting very excited for the arrival of the twins, but haven't done much yet to prepare for their homecoming. I have begun to buy little things they'll need - clothes, socks, etc.. and we have opened up a couple of registries for them as well. I really didn't think much about a baby shower for them, but sis in laws Kim and Kathy informed me over the holidays that they will be throwing a shower in February for us. That is so nice of them to think of us that way, but we're a pretty close knit family up here, so in a way, it doesn't surprise me. I'm so thankful to be a part of this family.

Corey is out for the evening for a long overdue get together with the boys, both children are sound asleep and the chores are done. I am going to head to bed early in hopes that it does my body good.......And, besides there's just no telling what 2am is going to bring!

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