Friday, January 23, 2009

Dreams and Demons

Corey and I experienced something this week that neither of us had ever seen before: Night terrors. And, not by one of us, but our little boy Cooper. For those of you with small children - If you have never heard of this, look it up. If you have never experienced this, you never want to. And if you have been through this, we understand and pray that nothing like this will ever happen again. It is by far one of the scariest things to have to go through as a parent. It all began when Cooper woke up screaming. Sure, he wakes up crying sometimes, but we could tell this was different. Corey went in to shush him back to sleep, but when he got to his crib Cooper was flailing about in a seizure like manner, screaming bloody murder, and was completely inconsolable. I didn't go in to the room, but Corey described this as almost like a scene from a horror movie where someone is possessed. He barely allowed Corey to pick him up and didn't seem to recognize either one of us. It was nearly 20 minutes of inconsolable screaming before we could interact with him. Ironically enough, I never would have had a name for this if I hadn't received a toddler update in an email a couple of weeks earlier. The headline was "Your Toddler and Night Terrors" - I read only the beginning of the article when I received it, and saved it for some reason. But, once this event started I read it all immediately. Night terrors are a form of sleep disorder that is often hereditary and can be set off by over tiredness and exhaustion. Luckily, Katie never had these, and I pray that our little girls don't get these either. If Cooper never had another episode, I'd be OK with that, too!

Today was my 28 week OB appointment. It all started with the glucose testing. The glucose drinks are now lemon-lime clear instead of the orange soda. Luckily, it still tastes OK. I gained weight - More weight than I have in weeks past. Haha.....I had this coming. My belly is huge but everything else is in it's place. The girls are kicking happily and the doctor was able to find the heartbeats just fine. I have a "soft cervix" which the doctor says is normal, especially since I've had children before. But, that can also allow for labor to come on sooner, easier and faster. The doctor felt my belly to find the position of the babies, but she couldn't determine it. However, in doing the cervical check, she pointed out to me that there were no feet, or heads, pushing down. Which could lead to a probability of them still being transverse (horizontal across my belly.) This, also could lead to a higher risk of delivering via C-section. I have an ultrasound appointment next Wednesday, and will be having weekly appointments with the doctors after that. I will have ultrasounds every 2-4 weeks and will also be at the hospital for weekly "fetal stress tests." I will be hooked up to two labor monitors to watch the girls heart rates and to monitor my contractions, which are happening daily now. Usually they don't come until evening, but occasionally I have contractions during the day if I've been too active. More and more rest will be prescribed in the upcoming weeks.

Thankfully Katie doesn't have a game this weekend. We have had daily events and every weekend for the past several weeks have been busy. It's going to be nice to have NOTHING that we have to do , nowhere that we have to be and just a little time to think about .....Nothing!

Life seems to be moving now at the speed of twins, and with each passing week the realization of their impending birth becomes more and more exciting - Some days it feels like I'm living a dream. We're still nowhere near ready for their arrival, but we're getting there. Onward to another week of pregnancy bliss!

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