Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!

We have made it to the year 2009. I've never felt more intimidated by the arrival of a new year as I have felt for this one. But, at the same time, I have never felt such a lack of excitement for it to arrive, either. Meaning, that I've been so tired so much of the time that I really didn't think about much else on December 31 besides how nice bed sounded. In fact, I fell asleep shortly after 10 pm, only to wake at 11:58PM to exclaim "Happy New Year" and share a kiss with my husband. I was awake long enough to briefly celebrate 2009's arrival, brush my teeth, crawl into bed and QUICKLY fall asleep again. There are so many things happening this year that I don't know whether I'll have the sanity or energy to cheer for the arrival of 2010. Since that's a year from now, and I've other things to pine over, I probably shouldn't be thinking about it just yet.

Our Japanese New Year celebration was once again filled with family, friends and oh, so much food. Crab, sushi (no, I ate nothing raw), Octopus, Eel, Elaines famous Teriyaki Chicken, Shumai, Hombow, Lumpia (a Finnish dish) and lots of other things that made the dining room and kitchen at Corey's parents house look much like a specialty buffet more than a pot luck. Everyone participated in the making of the Mochi and still, nobody's hands were hit. Cooper LOVED being able to grab the huge wood mallot and hit the rice with it. At the party cousin Leslie announced that she is engaged to her guy Jed and will be married next August. Congrats!

Corey and I had an appointment in Portland on December 31 to see the babies again, and for the Doctors at the perinatal center to get more pictures and measurements that they weren't able to get back in November. We got to see the girls kicking each other, waving, rolling and just being girls. All the measurements were taken, we hope, and if all goes as we'd like it to we won't have to go back to Portland again. I've said that before. The technician informed us that the girls were in 2 placentas and 2 amniotic sacs...HOWEVER, she also informed us that this meaning the girls would be fraternal is a serious misconception for parents of multiples. We will not know now until they arrive whether they are identical or fraternal. The best way, she said, is through genetic testing. They are still both transverse (horizontal) and have not moved from those positions in weeks. This worries me slightly as the further along I get and they aren't moving vertical, the better chances are that I'll end up with a Cesarean, which I'd prefer not to have. We did get to find out their sizes. Holy chunks! It's no wonder I look 9 months pregnant. Baby B, the mover, is 1 pound 9 ounces. Baby A, on the bottom, is 1 pound 14 ounces. These measurements were taken 2 days before I hit 24 weeks. On average, a single baby in a single pregnancy weighs between 1 and 1 1/2 pounds at this same point. Someones putting Jumbo Juice in my water! I've only put on 14 pounds, which, though I'm still fat as ever, is a pretty great accomplishment at 24 weeks with twins. But they're huge! Maija's babies were born at 10, 11 and 12 pounds, respectively and Kim, Corey's sister, had two large babies as well. Big babies come from the Annala side of the family, and I'm beginning to wonder if maybe these children I am growing have that large birthweight gene. So far I've gone from birthing an 8 lb, 14oz child to a 9 pound child - I've never heard of twins being born at 8 pounds, but at this appointment the possibility of having huge twins didn't seem so far off anymore. God help me! Also, because of the high risks of twins, and other factors, the techs are required to check the cervix to make sure no dilation or changes are happening. Well, no dilation, but I was having constant contractions (yeah, that's a reassuring thing, huh?) that prevented her from getting some of the measurements she needed for the doctors. I don't think I'll make it to anywhere near our due date of April 18. March is looking to be a more realistic delivery month....As Corey would say, Anyone wanna make a bet??

My friend Cassie called me last night with the heartbreaking news that her sons' babysitter had been killed Friday night in a car accident and she was in dire need of childcare - I hadn't talked to her in a few weeks, so she didn't know my medical restrictions and that I couldn't really do it any longer. I wanted to help her so badly, but after talking with Corey I realized that it really wasn't possible for me to take on any more kids at this time. I can't carry Cooper anymore and she has a son that doesn't walk yet. I should have known better right off the bat, but I was at least able to track a provider down that was accepting children her kid's ages. Hopefully something works out for her soon!

Katie starts basketball practice on Tuesday. She's thrilled, but it's so much harder on me this year than the past few with a big belly to haul around - I might need to invest in a belly support belt pretty soon, or I just might end up on my face. She'll be playing with 6th graders this year, and it will be challenging for her on many levels. She is no longer the oldest kid on the team, and she might not even be the tallest. The babies will probably arrive as her season comes to a close - This will be stressful for her, too. But, I hope that in this season she makes some new middle school friends to help her with the 6th grade transition this Fall.

Oh 2009, please be good to us. I had originally resolved to make no resolutions for this year, but I've had some time to think about it, and I really do have some - I may or may not keep them!

I resolve to keep my sanity and do so with an open mind.
I resolve to be a better mother - For the 2 I have and the 2 that are a comin'.
I resolve to handle pre-teen hormones in a way that doesn't include putting my child in an ice bath. (NO, I haven't really done this. But, the thought has crossed my mind!)
I resolve to take care of me so that our beautiful baby girls are born healthy, happy and not too early or too late. (Eat, sleep, rest, eat, sleep, rest. All the makings of a lazy woman. My poor, poor husband - Whom I appreciate with all my heart!)
I resolve to undo years of recurring pregnancy weight gain, and do so really super fast. I had a dream a few nights ago that I have a fairy godmother. I'm doing an online people search for her right now, but I'm coming up with nothing. If anyone runs into a voluptuous old pretty woman who flies around with a wand, and calls herself Cara's Fairy Godmother, please tell her that preggo's lookin' for her!

I have another appointment this week and will get an update on here after that. Just think, 3 months from now I'll be a mother of 4. Never thought I would be, couldn't be happier that I'm going to be!

Going to bed now...Need to rest up tonight so I have the energy to rest tomorrow! Ha.

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