Thursday, January 29, 2009

Now Presenting: The Acrobat Twins!!

I'm learning slowly but surely with this pregnancy: What is isn't what it always should be. And what should be just isn't in the cards. After my fall on Monday and my visit to the hospital the girls were kicking and flailing wildly, and the nurse assured me that my pain would be so intense on Tuesday that I'd need help just getting myself around. Well, I was in less pain on Tuesday than I was Monday night, and I actually seemed to be walking a little better - So it seemed.

The way that the girls were kicking seemed different after that fall. Suddenly I have to pee every hour, and the movement toward the top of my belly just wasn't as prominent. This mostly became noticeable on Tuesday evening, but I kept feeling those flutters, so I just figured I'd wait until my ultrasound appointment on Wednesday to see what what going on. For the past 8 weeks or so the babies have been lying transverse, and we were pretty sure that they weren't going to move before their birth. Well, they did. And I bet I have that jolty fall to thank for it. Unfortunately for me, they both decided they'd had enough of this side lying crap, and that they must need to be head up if this baby baker is going to bounce em' around like that. Haha. I prayed for the girls to move and they surely did. Now, they're both breech. Shit, shit, shit. So, maybe if I pray just a little harder, baby A - the presenting twin, will do a miracle summer sault into a head down position. Though the possibility of a c-section has been very undeniable in this pregnancy, I still have hopes that I can deliver them naturally. I've been told that a c-section isn't that bad. But, when you've got a toddler to keep an eye on, 2 new babies that you need to nurse and care for, and other things that go along with the daily do list, a c-section is a highly dreaded event to even think about. But, whatever will be, will be. And life just doesn't always work in the ways we hope it will. ((sigh))

My ankles and legs have begun to swell slightly - Not too noticeable by my doctors, but very noticeable to me, as I have chicken legs. I wasn't built very proportionately and it really sucks. When I'm not pregnant I look like an upside down pear, including the stem. When I am pregnant, especially this one, I resemble a Dairy Queen Dilly Bar. They're the big, fat, round ice cream bar on a little stick. Anyways, the swelling is slight, but there, and I sure hope that it doesn't get progressively worse. The remedy, I hear, is just prop my feet up during the day, and night and RELAX. So, I guess I'll do a little more of that lazy woman stuff I've been doing.

Corey is worried that I'm not asking for help as much as I should, and that I don't recognize the difference between things I should and shouldn't be doing. I'll admit, I do much more than I probably should, but sometimes I just can't help it. I am not skimping on my rest and am making sure that I rest in intervals during the day. Now, I'll just have to rest some more!

Basketball season for Katie is in full swing. She won her first game and her second is coming up on Saturday. Her entire team is full of super tall girls, including her. Luckily, that's a GREAT trait to have for basketball. She is loving getting to play and everyone seems much more focused this year than when she was in 4th and 3rd grade. I guess my little girl is beginning to grow up!

Cooper has entered the hitting stage. Katie didn't go through that, so the first time I got clocked in the snout with a handful of train, it took me seriously by surprise. We've all been a victim of it, and he's learning that he can't communicate as well that way, so hopefully it'll pass soon. He's learning to say "I'm sorry" and it comes out in Cooptalk as a really fast "sawee." I smile each time he says it. And, though it's not really funny at all I can't help but laugh secretly when Coop gets mad at me for something, runs toward me at full speed and head butts me with everything he has. He usually finds himself lodged somewhere between the undercarriage of my belly and my legs. I'm not sure where he learned that head butt, that doesn't hurt, but can't help but feel gracious that my child is a head butter and not a biter (KNOCKIN' ON WOOD FOLKS!!!) I've been around biters who think that the ass end of their caretaker is just what needs to be bit. Both Katie and Cooper were early teethers, and I wonder if there is a connection between teething time and not biting. Maybe I just feed them so much they can't help but not want to chew on anything else besides their food. Hmm

So, the day has ended, Katie is showering in preparation for bed, Cooper's beginning his nighttime slow down and Corey's out for a much needed night out with the boys. Corey is always, always there for his family. He is such giver and provider, in every sense of the word, to all of us, all the time and I know how important it is to break away from the daily grind. It will be challenging for us, with 4 children, to get out on our own and enjoy our indulgences and friends, but it's so important that every couple has that time. It will be interesting to see how we allocate our couple time, our family time, our alone time and our one on one with the children time once the girls arrive. That alone kinda seems like a full schedule. But, other large families do it! And, we can too. Besides, with a relationship as strong as ours, we'll breeze right through it.

After Cooper is down, I'll be plopping on the couch with my feet up getting ready for another night of Americal Idol. Vocal superstardom was a dream of mine at one point in my life, so this show is my way of living the dream through someone else's eyes. I love it! Until next time......

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Down She Goes

Today I have a pretty big hitch in my giddyup. I walk with a gimp that mostly resembles someone who has had hip surgery, or maybe even one of those zombies in a movie - You know the look - I have to pick up my leg to take a step and I almost look as though I'm joking. Any way you look at it, I look stupid. Why, you ask, am I moving like so? Well, yesterday I was headed out to the store - about 3:15pm. I had Cooper in the car and was even in it myself. But, I couldn't find my sunglasses and the sun was blazing against the snow. So, I hopped out and headed in the house to get them. I walked through snow and ice in our driveway, I walked across the play room (carpet) and turned into our entryway (linoleum). There were apparently some chunks of ice left there from either my earlier trip to the car to warm it up, or my daughters arrival home from school. I stepped on that ice chunk, unintentionally, of course, and when I went to take a step on that foot it slid under me. I went down. It happened so fast and I couldn't break the fall. I landed on my left side and partially on my belly. And, though I wasn't in pain in my tummy, I couldn't help but be a little scared that I'd done something horrible. I immediately called out for Katie, as I was afraid to move, and she came a runnin'. As I think back now to when I fell I realized that I fell pretty hard. I was able to pick myself up, however, and head for a chair. I hesitated calling anyone, but then it hit - my hip and groin area began to radiate pain. So I called my doctor to be advised. I knew what she would say, but I also knew it would be best to consult her first. "Go to the Family Birth Center at the hospital immediately for monitoring," she said. After Katie removed Cooper from the car and turned it off, she was very helpful to me making sure I was OK and had everything I needed. As I sat there preparing my call to Corey I realized that I hadn't felt the babies move since the fall - The fear within kicked into high gear. I composed myself the best I could and I called him - I'm sure I sounded like a blubbering banshee. He left work immediately and headed home. Shortly after he got home he made some calls to find a short term sitter for the kids. His brother Niko volunteered. He sat beside me and started talking to the babies - Last week he talked to them and they moved in response. After 10 minutes or so of "Hello in there!" or "Move it, girls!" they started to kick. I was so relieved, but we still needed to go in for monitoring. So by 4:30pm we were headed to the hospital and the kids were being cared for.

We were at the hospital for a few hours and the girls didn't want to work with the nurse. The protocol, when stress like this happens to the babies, is that the nurses must find the babies resting heart rate, make sure they can get it 10 beats higher, on their own with activity, and then back down to the resting rate. This is tough with one baby sometimes, so with the two it was just crazy. The poor nurse probably developed Carpal Tunnel with our visit alone. But after 2 hours we finally got the go ahead that we could head home. Thank goodness! At one point in our visit the nurse asked me to turn on my side and that was by far the most pain I'd felt in a while. So, when the time came to go home, I knew I'd have to work through the pain so I could stand. When I fell, I fell on my side. So, my hip became affected, as did my groin and other unmentionable areas. I've had some difficulty with pain in that area just from the weight of the girls, but this was awful. It took both Corey and the nurse to help me out of that bed. I was in quite a bit of pain last night, but as long as I stayed propped up on my back I was OK. Laying on either side was just so painful. This morning I'm still in some pain, but I'll be just fine. I took two more Tylenol and am resting today. Corey stayed home a while to help me get going - Such a wonderful man! I will be at the hospital again tomorrow for the growth ultrasound. The lady who admitted me to the hospital last night said "I just did your paperwork for your visit here on Wednesday - So, we'll see you then, too!" Ha. One visit to the hospital this week was going to be enough for me.

It is snowing quite hard at the moment. It is stacking up and the forecast says 2-4 inches to be expected through 2pm today. Oh joy. Good thing I won't be going anywhere today. Don't want to risk falling on ice in a stupid linoleum entryway!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Dreams and Demons

Corey and I experienced something this week that neither of us had ever seen before: Night terrors. And, not by one of us, but our little boy Cooper. For those of you with small children - If you have never heard of this, look it up. If you have never experienced this, you never want to. And if you have been through this, we understand and pray that nothing like this will ever happen again. It is by far one of the scariest things to have to go through as a parent. It all began when Cooper woke up screaming. Sure, he wakes up crying sometimes, but we could tell this was different. Corey went in to shush him back to sleep, but when he got to his crib Cooper was flailing about in a seizure like manner, screaming bloody murder, and was completely inconsolable. I didn't go in to the room, but Corey described this as almost like a scene from a horror movie where someone is possessed. He barely allowed Corey to pick him up and didn't seem to recognize either one of us. It was nearly 20 minutes of inconsolable screaming before we could interact with him. Ironically enough, I never would have had a name for this if I hadn't received a toddler update in an email a couple of weeks earlier. The headline was "Your Toddler and Night Terrors" - I read only the beginning of the article when I received it, and saved it for some reason. But, once this event started I read it all immediately. Night terrors are a form of sleep disorder that is often hereditary and can be set off by over tiredness and exhaustion. Luckily, Katie never had these, and I pray that our little girls don't get these either. If Cooper never had another episode, I'd be OK with that, too!

Today was my 28 week OB appointment. It all started with the glucose testing. The glucose drinks are now lemon-lime clear instead of the orange soda. Luckily, it still tastes OK. I gained weight - More weight than I have in weeks past. Haha.....I had this coming. My belly is huge but everything else is in it's place. The girls are kicking happily and the doctor was able to find the heartbeats just fine. I have a "soft cervix" which the doctor says is normal, especially since I've had children before. But, that can also allow for labor to come on sooner, easier and faster. The doctor felt my belly to find the position of the babies, but she couldn't determine it. However, in doing the cervical check, she pointed out to me that there were no feet, or heads, pushing down. Which could lead to a probability of them still being transverse (horizontal across my belly.) This, also could lead to a higher risk of delivering via C-section. I have an ultrasound appointment next Wednesday, and will be having weekly appointments with the doctors after that. I will have ultrasounds every 2-4 weeks and will also be at the hospital for weekly "fetal stress tests." I will be hooked up to two labor monitors to watch the girls heart rates and to monitor my contractions, which are happening daily now. Usually they don't come until evening, but occasionally I have contractions during the day if I've been too active. More and more rest will be prescribed in the upcoming weeks.

Thankfully Katie doesn't have a game this weekend. We have had daily events and every weekend for the past several weeks have been busy. It's going to be nice to have NOTHING that we have to do , nowhere that we have to be and just a little time to think about .....Nothing!

Life seems to be moving now at the speed of twins, and with each passing week the realization of their impending birth becomes more and more exciting - Some days it feels like I'm living a dream. We're still nowhere near ready for their arrival, but we're getting there. Onward to another week of pregnancy bliss!

Monday, January 19, 2009

I Have a Dream

I have a be less busy or live in a 30 hour day. Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and though many people are volunteering their time elsewhere today, I can't help but wish I had more hours in a day to do what I need for my family. Kudos to those who can give their time and energy. The weeks continue to be busy, but I don't think it could be as busy as it was last week. Between 2 basketball practices, both over 2 hours long, a rescheduled holiday program, an eye doctor appointment, a checkup doctor appointment, meeting with another twin mom getting rid of things, twice, and a basketball game in Washington, (not all on my schedule, of course) I am still trying to regain my sanity for another week of business. Luckily, there is only one practice this week, one doctor appointment and one game - And all of this is to take place with kids out of school today and Friday. Corey will be headed off to Wenatchee tomorrow for another business trip. He will be home late Wednesday so the only task I have to take on by myself is the basketball practice....That's not so bad! Besides, I haven't been to one yet and it might be good for me to see Katie practicing before another game.

My OB appointment this week will include the glucose testing to check if gestational diabetes has developed. I seriously doubt it has, and if I didn't have to do the test, I'd probably say no to it - I never had it with either one of my other pregnancies, and though I'm chubberific, I don't have any other risks for developing it. One sign is abnormal weight gain in both the fetus and the mother. Well, now that I know how far along I really am, the girls are not big for their age. And since I've only put on 14 pounds in nearly 28 weeks, I don't think that qualifies as a risk factor. I weighed myself on Friday and I'd actually lost a pound since my appointment on January 8. That was a little hard for me to believe as it seems as though my appetite has increased over the past few weeks and my activity has decreased....But I got back on the scale twice to double and triple check it. Same each time.

I mentioned earlier that I met with a twin mom to check out some stuff she had. She and her husband placed an ad looking to get rid of all their twin girl stuff from birth to 12 months. Her twin girls are 20 months old (4 days younger than Cooper) and since they had 2 of just about everything, they wanted to liquidate. Corey and I went to check it out - He actually took Cooper to play with the twins while I did the looking. Though they had lots of stuff, I only ended up buying up all the clothes, a twin nursing pillow, wraps and blankets , and a baby carrier and baby sling. I went through everything that afternoon at home and almost all of the clothes were very well cared for. So, now we have a head start on some clothes for the girls for all stages from preemie (we hope not that one) through 18 months. My doctor recommended the double nursing pillow, as I do plan to nurse them both. I looked online for this pillow and they were pretty spendy - $100-$200, depending on the company. This lady sold me hers for $30 and it looks nearly new. I decided against the infant carriers - They were, of course, pretty used, and I remembered Maija's boss Joella telling me that it's not advisable to "buy" car seats from other people, as we truly don't know the exact condition, or whether they've been in an accident of any sort. And, since we never met these folks before, I can't just take their word for it. So, we'll be getting a couple of new ones. Thanks to my bunco girls for the heads up on that ad! We've had several people ask us what we want and what we need, so we set up registries at Wal-mart and Target for the girls. I am so excited to be thinking pink!

The babies are kicking up a storm - I can now completely distinguish one from the other, and for the most part can tell whether it's a punch or a kick. They are still transverse so it's not so hard to tell. It's been such an experience feeling this double dose of alien-like movement in my belly and it's one of those things I just love about being pregnant. For the past few weeks I have these babies flailing about and will continue to do so for several more weeks. But, when they're born, that feeling goes with them. I can't speak for others, but the loss of that feeling somewhat saddens me and so, for now at least, I am enjoying laying back and feeling these little girls duke it out in their little warm home.

Cooper seems more and more aware that we have babies on the way. We include him daily in our belly pats and talks with the girls. When I sing to Cooper I make sure he knows that I'm singing to his baby sisters, too. I can see his curiosity increasing as he stands below me, looks up, and can't see my face anymore. He is learning that the only way for me to see him is if he stands at my side, or in front of me, away from my belly. Last week he was sitting next to me and we were watching something on TV - He was on my left side. The babies were kicking a lot, and at one point he got a little kick in his side. He looked to see where my hands were, but they weren't on him, so he went back to watching his show. A few moments later baby B kicked again, this time drawing Coopers attention to my belly. I pulled my shirt up for Cooper to see the show. The baby kicked and squirmed and little Coopers eyes got so big. He poked at me a few times, frowned, and looked at me like there was something seriously wrong with me. I just laughed and laughed.

At this very moment I have my feet up and am listening to Thomas the Tank engine music, while Cooper sings along, and at the same time is attempting to ride his stuffed Tigger like a horse. He doesn't neigh, or whinnie, but rather tries to imitate that other sound a horse makes. You know, the one that sounds like you're clearing your throat...Give it a try! It's pretty cute when a 1 year old does it!

I was watching the news early this morning, and most of the coverage is on tomorrow's inauguration of Barack Obama. It's pretty overwhelming, all the events that go with his inauguration, and it's amazing at how many officers in every enforcement field - Police, FBI, army, Marines, etc... have to be at this event. The government has somewhere upward of 14,000 law enforcement officers involved in this, and are preparing for over 1 million people to attend Washington DC's events tomorrow. Though I would have loved to be a part of this historical event, I can't even imagine something so big and so dramatic. The government has donned this inauguration the biggest event ever to occur in political history. Snipers will be on surrounding buildings, the streets will be lined with thousands of enforcement officers, the rivers and air traffic are shut down, except for the military, and several miles of roads are off limits except for pedestrian traffic. I get chills just thinking about it - And one of the biggest parts of the event - Our new president will be sworn in using Abraham Lincoln's bible. Lincoln was a president who was a leader and brought our country great changes...........I voted for Obama. I believe that if anyone can make a real difference in this country, he's the man to do it. I'm no political guru, but I am proud to be bringing these babies into the world with Obama at the White House. Mr. president, don't let me down!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


I am such an idiot. My brain is certainly not working as I would like it to be but I completely lost track of how far along I was...By a week! For the past, oh, 4 or 5 weeks I have been a week behind in my dates. So my last blog was wrong when I wrote that the babies are bigger than they should be...They're not. They're right on track and exactly the sizes they should be at this point in the game. Tomorrow I am 26 weeks along, not 25 as I have been telling people! This was discovered at my doctors appointment this morning and I came home thinking THEY were wrong. Hmmm.
I, surprisingly enough, didn't gain any weight over the past 3 weeks. Overall, my health is great and the babies are fantastic. I couldn't ask for more being pregnant with twins.

I will need to have ultrasounds done every 4 weeks now, but was able to arrange for the rest of them to be done here in Hood River rather than having to go to Portland again. I don't handle those trips well anymore as I am as huge as a cruise ship and getting me into our SUV involves an ass launch and/or a front tow. I can't see my feet, obviously, and I often get food and other crap on the undercarriage of my belly that I can't see. The only person who isn't afraid to tell me there's something there is Corey, and I'm sure some of it has to do with his own embarrassment of me lugging around a pudding dipped belly. I am so thankful to him for all his support this pregnancy, and really hope that he knows how much I appreciate him. I often butter our evenings with my legs propped up, trying to get comfortable and moaning about the braxton hicks contractions that seem to arrive just about the time he gets home from work. I don't mean to be negative, and I guess at the moment it happens I don't really see it as negativity. But, when I think about it later, I see that I can really be a miserable pill. Even in my most uncomfortable situation he's always perfect to me. I'm so lucky to be married to the greatest husband in the world....Isn't there a contest for that?? He'd win, for sure.

There is finally no snow on the ground, which I am truly thankful for, and our dear ol' dog has been sent packing back to his snug little kennel - He isn't a happy lab tonight. During a horrific windstorm we had a couple of nights ago he whined, panted and farted for an hour making me think he had to poop. He's become spoiled as an "inside dog" and had begun to refuse going outside without being accompanied by someone. That just doesn't work for me and at 2 am there I was, trying to let Corey sleep, tending to a scared little sleepless Cooper and attempting to put the dog out to poop. Needless to say it was a battle with the dog that ended up waking Corey. He took the dog out in the 75mph wind only to return with a dog that continued to whine and pant. THEN, about 20 minutes later, the power went out. It was a crazy night that came to a close at around 5AM. I hate nights like those - But nights like those are the ones we can look back on and say "remember when...."

We're all getting very excited for the arrival of the twins, but haven't done much yet to prepare for their homecoming. I have begun to buy little things they'll need - clothes, socks, etc.. and we have opened up a couple of registries for them as well. I really didn't think much about a baby shower for them, but sis in laws Kim and Kathy informed me over the holidays that they will be throwing a shower in February for us. That is so nice of them to think of us that way, but we're a pretty close knit family up here, so in a way, it doesn't surprise me. I'm so thankful to be a part of this family.

Corey is out for the evening for a long overdue get together with the boys, both children are sound asleep and the chores are done. I am going to head to bed early in hopes that it does my body good.......And, besides there's just no telling what 2am is going to bring!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!

We have made it to the year 2009. I've never felt more intimidated by the arrival of a new year as I have felt for this one. But, at the same time, I have never felt such a lack of excitement for it to arrive, either. Meaning, that I've been so tired so much of the time that I really didn't think about much else on December 31 besides how nice bed sounded. In fact, I fell asleep shortly after 10 pm, only to wake at 11:58PM to exclaim "Happy New Year" and share a kiss with my husband. I was awake long enough to briefly celebrate 2009's arrival, brush my teeth, crawl into bed and QUICKLY fall asleep again. There are so many things happening this year that I don't know whether I'll have the sanity or energy to cheer for the arrival of 2010. Since that's a year from now, and I've other things to pine over, I probably shouldn't be thinking about it just yet.

Our Japanese New Year celebration was once again filled with family, friends and oh, so much food. Crab, sushi (no, I ate nothing raw), Octopus, Eel, Elaines famous Teriyaki Chicken, Shumai, Hombow, Lumpia (a Finnish dish) and lots of other things that made the dining room and kitchen at Corey's parents house look much like a specialty buffet more than a pot luck. Everyone participated in the making of the Mochi and still, nobody's hands were hit. Cooper LOVED being able to grab the huge wood mallot and hit the rice with it. At the party cousin Leslie announced that she is engaged to her guy Jed and will be married next August. Congrats!

Corey and I had an appointment in Portland on December 31 to see the babies again, and for the Doctors at the perinatal center to get more pictures and measurements that they weren't able to get back in November. We got to see the girls kicking each other, waving, rolling and just being girls. All the measurements were taken, we hope, and if all goes as we'd like it to we won't have to go back to Portland again. I've said that before. The technician informed us that the girls were in 2 placentas and 2 amniotic sacs...HOWEVER, she also informed us that this meaning the girls would be fraternal is a serious misconception for parents of multiples. We will not know now until they arrive whether they are identical or fraternal. The best way, she said, is through genetic testing. They are still both transverse (horizontal) and have not moved from those positions in weeks. This worries me slightly as the further along I get and they aren't moving vertical, the better chances are that I'll end up with a Cesarean, which I'd prefer not to have. We did get to find out their sizes. Holy chunks! It's no wonder I look 9 months pregnant. Baby B, the mover, is 1 pound 9 ounces. Baby A, on the bottom, is 1 pound 14 ounces. These measurements were taken 2 days before I hit 24 weeks. On average, a single baby in a single pregnancy weighs between 1 and 1 1/2 pounds at this same point. Someones putting Jumbo Juice in my water! I've only put on 14 pounds, which, though I'm still fat as ever, is a pretty great accomplishment at 24 weeks with twins. But they're huge! Maija's babies were born at 10, 11 and 12 pounds, respectively and Kim, Corey's sister, had two large babies as well. Big babies come from the Annala side of the family, and I'm beginning to wonder if maybe these children I am growing have that large birthweight gene. So far I've gone from birthing an 8 lb, 14oz child to a 9 pound child - I've never heard of twins being born at 8 pounds, but at this appointment the possibility of having huge twins didn't seem so far off anymore. God help me! Also, because of the high risks of twins, and other factors, the techs are required to check the cervix to make sure no dilation or changes are happening. Well, no dilation, but I was having constant contractions (yeah, that's a reassuring thing, huh?) that prevented her from getting some of the measurements she needed for the doctors. I don't think I'll make it to anywhere near our due date of April 18. March is looking to be a more realistic delivery month....As Corey would say, Anyone wanna make a bet??

My friend Cassie called me last night with the heartbreaking news that her sons' babysitter had been killed Friday night in a car accident and she was in dire need of childcare - I hadn't talked to her in a few weeks, so she didn't know my medical restrictions and that I couldn't really do it any longer. I wanted to help her so badly, but after talking with Corey I realized that it really wasn't possible for me to take on any more kids at this time. I can't carry Cooper anymore and she has a son that doesn't walk yet. I should have known better right off the bat, but I was at least able to track a provider down that was accepting children her kid's ages. Hopefully something works out for her soon!

Katie starts basketball practice on Tuesday. She's thrilled, but it's so much harder on me this year than the past few with a big belly to haul around - I might need to invest in a belly support belt pretty soon, or I just might end up on my face. She'll be playing with 6th graders this year, and it will be challenging for her on many levels. She is no longer the oldest kid on the team, and she might not even be the tallest. The babies will probably arrive as her season comes to a close - This will be stressful for her, too. But, I hope that in this season she makes some new middle school friends to help her with the 6th grade transition this Fall.

Oh 2009, please be good to us. I had originally resolved to make no resolutions for this year, but I've had some time to think about it, and I really do have some - I may or may not keep them!

I resolve to keep my sanity and do so with an open mind.
I resolve to be a better mother - For the 2 I have and the 2 that are a comin'.
I resolve to handle pre-teen hormones in a way that doesn't include putting my child in an ice bath. (NO, I haven't really done this. But, the thought has crossed my mind!)
I resolve to take care of me so that our beautiful baby girls are born healthy, happy and not too early or too late. (Eat, sleep, rest, eat, sleep, rest. All the makings of a lazy woman. My poor, poor husband - Whom I appreciate with all my heart!)
I resolve to undo years of recurring pregnancy weight gain, and do so really super fast. I had a dream a few nights ago that I have a fairy godmother. I'm doing an online people search for her right now, but I'm coming up with nothing. If anyone runs into a voluptuous old pretty woman who flies around with a wand, and calls herself Cara's Fairy Godmother, please tell her that preggo's lookin' for her!

I have another appointment this week and will get an update on here after that. Just think, 3 months from now I'll be a mother of 4. Never thought I would be, couldn't be happier that I'm going to be!

Going to bed now...Need to rest up tonight so I have the energy to rest tomorrow! Ha.