Saturday, December 27, 2008

The meltdown

It's Saturday - We cleaned house a little, Corey put on a crockpot of Clam Chowder and we've been slowly working on the laundry buildup from the past few days. Christmas was fantastic, not just for the gifts, but, for the togetherness we had with our family this year. We had our big Christmas Eve feast with immediate family and others we don't see too often. A white elephant gift exchange provided us with some good house smelling stuff and an atomic clock. Cooper is much like the men in his life, in that he would much rather be around people he is always around, rather than a large group of people he doesn't know. So, after everyone arrived at Grandma's house he was a little overwhelmed, ran to the back door, and was begging "bye-bye, Dada, bye bye!!" He wanted to leave. We had to remove him from the group a few times and when the dinner and gift exchange was over, and guests other than the regulars were leaving, he was happy to assist them with a happy "bye bye" send off at the back door. It was actually pretty cute.

The children were blessed with some great gifts this year: A Wii (for Katie and the family), nintento DS, a new tricycle, clothes, books, a remote controlled ride on toy (for Cooper, of course) and many other wonderful Christmas gifts. Corey, and the twins, haha, gave me a new pair of slippers that won't fall off my feet, and keep them comfy and warm. For reasons unknown, I have been annually gifted slippers that are bright pink and super fluffy from various people. I have kept them over the years, but, with constant use they do wear down and when I am big and pregnant, like now, I have a hard time keeping slippers on that don't have heels. The new slippers, however.........aaaah. It's like heaven on earth. I'm pretty sure they're the most expensive slippers, or any footwear for that matter, that have ever graced my feet and when they're on I feel like royalty. My new microwave (with numbers! - Long story) is a dream, and our new back up camera for our SUV will be great.

I think that Christmas exhausted us this year. With so much snow to have to shovel and clear away during the daylight hours, by evening we were spent. Corey and I were up until well after midnight doing the Christmas morning preparations, and Cooper, not feeling well during Christmas Eve, woke at 4AM and screamed and screamed. Poor little boy! Corey and I both tended to him for an hour before Corey sent me back to bed. Before I headed back to bed, we decided to let Cooper have one of his gifts: A train table. His illness began to dissipate as he watched the train make the rounds, up the hills, around the mountains and over the bridge. It was beautiful to see him somewhat happy again. So, 5 am off to bed I went. An hour later, Cooper tucked in to bed, Corey joined me. 8:30 AM we woke up and attempted to make a plan for the next hour. We were supposed to be up at Grandma and Grandpa's house for the Santa visit gift opening and Christmas Brunch at 9am, but it was obvious we were going to be late. I think we made it there at 10AM, dragging ourselves in after Cooper woke. He was happy as could be and it made for a wonderful, happy Christmas morning.

Yesterday we had to take the tree down. The needles were falling off at warp speed and the tree seemed to be drier than it should have been. We don't need any extra dangers here, so out it went. The decorations came down with the tree and it's all put away for next year. Though Christmas is over, we have so much stuff to remind us all how great it was. Next year, we'll be spreading cheer with 4 children - It will be very interesting to see how we handle that!

The snow is now melting faster than we'd like it to, and the driveways and side roads are hellacious to travel on. I am so thankful we have our big heavy SUV to make it up the driveway in this meltdown. Any other car we've had in the past would be sitting at the bottom of the hill awaiting a total ice-melt before we could make it up the driveway. We just found out that Niko and Kathy, Corey's brother and sis in law, had a little fender bender on the slush covered freeway - They are both fine and the car has minor damage. Just a reminder to us all that we aren't invincible, even as good drivers in a vehicle with four wheel drive.

Tomorrow we will feast again at our annual Japanese New Year Celebration: The Mochi party. We will make fresh Mochi and throw last years for good luck. Several of us will walk away from the party with blistered hands from the scorching hot rice dough. And, others will several times over attempt to make the best ball of mochi, which can be seen in it's shine once the dough has settled. I've made several mochi balls throughout the years, but only maybe 1 or 2 that were brag-worthy. Each party goer will take turns with a big, huge, heavy mallot to beat mochi in a hollowed out tree stump, hoping that we don't lose control and land on someone's fingers instead. It can be dangerous, but I've never seen an accident in the 8 years I've participated. Thank goodness.

I hit walmart yesterday - Yes, Walmart is the only major retail store we have in our town, so I visit there often. I went on the hunt for snow pants and snow boots as we were unable to find what we were looking for prior to Christmas. Still, nothing. The walls were bare, but people were there to find the 50% discounts on Christmas items for next year. I probably should have loaded up, but I just didn't think about that. I did look for babies first Christmas stockings and decor, but was unable to find the right thing. Besides, I'll need two of them and I'll want them to be just right.

I hope that everyone had a fantastic Christmas, and that the new year brings you all joy and happiness. 2009 will be one of the most eventful years of our lives and I am so glad to have all the friends and family that I do to be a part of our adventure. I am proud of my husband for all his accomplishments and look forward to another year with him learning, exploring and growing together to be better spouses and better parents. I am proud of Kaitlyn for all her help while I am not as able to do things as I was a few months back. She has been so helpful and while 2009 will be one of her most eventful life years as well, I know she'll do great and will be able and willing to participate in the family matters that we will endeavor together. I am proud of Cooper for just being him - He doesn't really know that he's trying to do anything, but, he's such a smart, well rounded, curious and active little boy. He's all the boy I ever dreamed of having and I am so glad that he will be the big brother to his little twin sisters. I'm confident that both he and Katie will adapt well to their baby sisters, and will want to help mom and dad as best they can. And last, I am proud to have the family I do - Without them I wouldn't be who I am today. And without them, I couldn't look forward to the adventure of our lifetime that will continue in 2009.

Cheers to all on the best year we can make for ourselves! Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Lights Out!

Over the past few days it has snowed, and snowed and snowed and snowed. Oh, did I mention that it has snowed? Yes, I will have my white Christmas. And a white New Year's and at this rate a White Valentines day. It has pretty much snowed non-stop here since Thursday. There is enough snow in our front yard to bury our dog when he goes out in it. Our driveway has been plowed twice, and each time it was snowing so hard that within an hour after being plowed you couldn't tell that it had been. Aside from there being so much, it's the most beautiful sight I've seen in a while - Kind of like a scene out of a Thomas Kincade painting. Which is what I was truly looking forward to this year.

Unfortunately, because of the snow, Katie's Christmas program was canceled and she was out of school the last 2 days of last week. We have shoveled, chipped ice and have constantly cleaned off the cars. Our town had a snow emergency declared and ALL local freeways, going both directions, have been closed for the past 3 days. Grocery stores stocks have been thinning, retail stores haven't received their shipments of gifts and other Christmas necessities, and of course, UPS is now 3 days behind in their deliveries for our area. It's been a mess. But, today it looks as if we'll get a little break - A new storm is set to hit tomorrow. Thank goodness it will be Christmas Eve and people won't be going anywhere.

Last Wednesday we decided to bring the dog in to get warm - It was about 10 degrees outside. He smelled so horrible! I had to burn some candles and spray some air freshener just so as not to gag. We knew he still needed to come in again, so Corey bathed him on Thursday. Much better. It's Tuesday and I don't believe he has smelled decent this long, ever. Having clean snow to roll around in instead of his own poo is much nicer for all of us. He has slept inside the past few nights without one accident, which was a great fear of mine. He is tethered to the front door in our entryway on a fluffy blanket, so he can't go anywhere. To my surprise he's been great so far. No, honey, that doesn't mean I want him in permanently. Just until the weather is warmer and he can handle it outside.

I am truly disappointed about one thing this week. Well, that gift exchange with all my husbands' friends and wives went great. Dinner was fantastic. BUT I WAS THE FIRST STINKIN' GIRL OUT OF THE POKER GAME!! It was so much fun, but I had practiced for the past few months, and have really got my game down. The winner? Lovely Marcie, who I had to BEG to play with us - She had never played before and didn't really know how. LOL. That was a heck of win for beginners luck....It looks like she fooled us all! But, in turn, I am very happy that a woman won the tournament. I love it! The power was lost throughout the county at about 10pm, right in the middle of our poker game. The hosts were well prepared, and nobody missed a beat - Poker by One for the memory books! Every person brought a white elephant gift as our entry fee, and as each person was eliminated, they chose a gift and opened it. 2 steals allowed, with the winner taking any gift opened, no matter how many times it had already been stolen. The gift I chose was a great coffee mug with coffee mixes and a starbucks gift certificate. Yay! I can still drink decaf! Corey, however, ended up with a box that he warned me ahead of time not to choose. It was the last one, and he ended up with it. It was a super real looking rattlesnake attached to the bottom of the inside of a box. I HATE snakes. They are my greatest fear. So, Corey, has chosen (so far) to put the snake in the cupboard for me to see when I open it up to get baking goods. He got me then. He has also put the snake in the refrigerator on the middle shelf, with the camera running right next to it. Well, He got me there too. Stupid snake. Stanley, I like you, I really do, but that has to be the all-time worst white elephant present that has been brought into our home. I can't blame you for Corey's pranks, but you brought the darn thing. A years worth of hair clippings in a pillowcase (Derek!) would have been more welcomed than that god awful, real looking, ugly, evil, tongue sticking out rattlesnake. I should burn it while Corey's at work.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I can't believe it's here. Tomorrow night we'll watch for Santa, and set out cookies and milk for him. We'll put the kids in their new Christmas PJ's and settle them down for a long night of rest. Maybe Corey and I will light a fire, turn on the music and just enjoy each others company in a home surrounded by mounds of clean, white snow. At this very moment Corey is hard at work, our babies are kicking, Cooper is singing and Katie is still sleeping. All I really need or wanted for Christmas is right here with me. My wonderful husband, my beautiful daughter, my precious little boy and two healthy, growing baby girls - I couldn't ask for more.

Merry Christmas All!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Dashing through the snow

I wished for a white Christmas. And, it looks as though I just might get that wish. It snowed last week and melted. Then, it snowed again...and froze. And snowed and snowed and snowed. We have close to a foot of snow at our house and my goodness is it beautiful. Our home sits at the top of a hill overlooking the Hood River Valley and from my living room window I get to see all the snow piled up on the trees and covering the whole valley floor. It is a beautiful sight. The downfall, however, comes on the roads when having to drive in it. Corey just called me a moment ago on his way home from town to tell me about all the people who were slipping and sliding all over the place.....Including him! (But not because of carelessness) We have a big, heavy four wheel drive that did just fine earlier in the day when we went to town. But, when the roads are plowed, not sanded, then some snow melts, then the temperature drops below freezing, it makes for a huge slippery mess. Especially the Friday before Christmas in a little town like ours! I don't imagine I'll be driving anywhere soon.

Today was my 23rd week OB checkup. Yay for no acid reflux. Not so yay for the 6 pounds I put in on the past 4 weeks because I could actually eat something. It could have been the extra layers I was wearing because of the snow. Or I could just suck it up that I really gained some baby weight the past few weeks and know that I, and the girls, are healthy as can be. At the ultrasound appointment we had in Portland a few weeks back the sonographer didn't disclose everything that she saw, or didn't see, and we found out everything today. Both babies are growing right on schedule; measurements are good, hearts beat fine and they move with great agility. Baby B is still the sportster, as she runs a heart rate of about 145. Baby A, not such a mover, is averaging 138-140 for her heart rate. Several appointments back we were told that the babies each had their own placental sac and that they were fraternal. Now, if you aren't familiar with how it works with twins, some share a placental sac and some have their own. And some share amniotic sacs as well. If the twins share a sac, they have a much higher probability of being identical. And, with that, comes the higher probability of risks - One twin taking too much food supply leaving another with less, if one is sick, the other could be as well...The list is quite lengthy. If they have their own placental sacs they would be fraternal. Well, it turns out that the doctors aren't sure what's in there, and that's mostly because the sonographer, who specializes in this, was not able to clearly see two amniotic sacs or two placental sacs. Since the reports are now conflicting, we must go back in 2 weeks to have another look. They should be able to tell by then. Also, on the report they sent to my doctor, they noted that they couldn't, but wanted to, see the babies lips. Everyone got a kick out of that, but these girls really were stubborn by putting their arms over the parts that the sonographer wanted to see.

I got the talk from the doc as well - LET PEOPLE HELP YOU!! Like I've said before, letting go is one of the hardest things I have had to think about. But, the time is now to rest more, put my feet up, and as the doctor says, LAY DOWN! She told me that the uterus is now the same size as it would be with a full term baby. In other words, I'm huge. She has not put me on bed rest, but I think she was trying to scare some sense into me by informing me that they USED to be required to put all mothers carrying multiples on bed rest at 20 weeks. She also said that weeks 24 to 32 are critical, and I must take extra care of myself, for the sake of the girls, during this time. So, NO BED REST.....yet. However, since Corey has now heard it firsthand from the doctor, he knows the importance as well, and will not let me get away with anything, I'm sure.

I am now to the point in the pregnancy where I will be seeing the doctor every 2 weeks. I knew it was about time for that. The doctor today told us that since we're having twins we should expect to be seen more often from here on out than with a single pregnancy. Sometimes it may only be a week between visits, depending on my, and the girls', condition. Rest, rest, rest.

Cooper got to play in the snow the day before yesterday for the first time. I couldn't take him out on my own, but when Corey got home he was ready to go: snow pants, snow boots, big puffy coat, a fuzzy hat and gloves. Sooooo sweet! He didn't like it when I was dressing him, but when he realized that he was going outside....Oh boy! Corey found him a baby sled with a buckle in it and he got to ride in it while being pulled by sister and Daddy. We got several pictures of it and it was so great. Katie is growing out of her fun in the snow stage, and would much rather be in the house watching Hannah Montana, or curled up in her bed reading a good book. I'm so proud of how well she's doing with her reading this year. She is loving all the books she's read - We have waited years for this! Basketball season starts up soon for her, so we'll be at a practice or two a week, and a weekly game beginning the first week in January. She's very excited about it and I hope that I'm able enough to make it to as many practices and games as possible. Cooper was born in the middle of softball season, now the twins could come during basketball. I think that Katie wouldn't care one bit when they were born, as long as it wasn't on March 23 - her birthday. I wish for that too. Everyone needs their own birthday!

Our Christmas shopping is done. I say that hesitantly because if I know my husband, he'll think of something on Tuesday or Wednesday that one of the kids MUST have, and he'll go find it. This paragraph should have started with I am done Christmas shopping. This is my first year as a mother of a child who knows the truth about Santa. I can't tell you how difficult it was to break the news to her. I broke down into tears, and had a good bawl. But, we put her off last year when she asked. So, when her friends this year told her she was crazy, she brought it up to us again. We decided several weeks back that if she asked, we would tell her the truth. So we did. I never enjoyed a lie as much as that one, but the spirit is what matters, and we made sure she understood that. Santa might not come down the chimney, or really be the one to eat the cookies and drink the milk, but, we'll still celebrate his arrival, every year. We'll still set out cookies for him, and somehow, they will be gone and the milk glass will be empty. Presents will still be from Santa, and the stockings will be filled with lots of love from Jolly Ol' Saint Nick. No matter how old we get, the spirit of Christmas will always be with this family. And the day after Christmas, we'll be planning for next year. Happy Holidays!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Grandma got ran over by a reindeer

This morning we woke to a blanket of snow all around. Well, it was more like a really loose afghan rather than a blanket, as there were several spots of ground and rocks still poking through the snow. But tonight should lay out a different scene for us to wake to tomorrow. With this arctic weather that is coming our way, and quite a bit of precipitation in the air, I anticipate lots of snow in the next few days. I have been looking forward to the snow this year because it's beauty is something that takes my breath away. I say that now, but, I'm sure that when we have 4 or 5 feet of snow in our yard in early spring I'll feel differently. In the meantime I can think of just one thing: I just might get my Christmas wish - Snow on Christmas!!

The Christmas bunco party was last night, and though I missed seeing those friends, I just didn't have the energy to go. It was one of the first things that I have stepped up to say, "nope, I just can't do it." There are many things that I'm sure I shouldn't be doing, but can't help. When the snow and the 70 mile per hour wind gusts hit last night I didn't stop to think it over, and headed out to gather some things from our porch and deck that were banging against the house. Don't worry! Corey put a stop to that pretty fast, reminded me that it's really slick out and how awful it would be if I fell in the snow and ice in my condition. So, instead of that, I grabbed the stool and headed to the cupboard to pull out candles, just in case we lost power. I got my rear chewed for that too, as I was caught red handed as Corey came in after clearing the decks. I should know better, but I just keep thinking "I'm barely over 5 months along, and I can do it." It's becoming more and more evident that I can't do everything.

In order to get out of bed in the morning I roll out, instead of just sitting up. My whole body is so different this pregnancy and I am anxious to see what the docs tell me this week. I know I've put on some weight, but still not much. Many of the things that I am usually able to do are so difficult now, and the pressure and pelvic pain....holy cow! But, I am now carrying 2 babies that are 11 inches each, weigh just over a pound each, and at last glance, were both sideways. Unless you've been there to experience this yourself, the only way I can truly describe this is that it feels like I have several hands in my belly trying to tickle me from the inside out. I still look and feel 8 months along. Part of Corey's diligence in keeping me safely inside last night included one sentence that still rings in my head today; "You have one week left until the doctors put you on bed rest." I am fairly confident that I won't be put on bed least not yet. I might not move so well, but, I'm happy and healthy, as are these precious baby girls. I know now to settle down and rest more, so I will.

From here on out, I will rest more. This morning we took the children to the local antique airplane and automobile museum in town. Cooper is fascinated with airplanes (he calls them bearplanes) and today they were holding an indoor RC plane "fly in." He was so amazed at all the airplanes he got to see, and the RC planes were just awesome to him. In the hangar where the Fly in took place was a wood built plane with real equipment and switches that children could play in. Cooper made several rounds just taking in every inch of that airplane, mimicking plane sounds and turning the propeller in front. He also got to take a turn sitting in it, and we got some great pictures of his first time in an airplane. All good things must come to an end, however, and Cooper didn't agree with that so well today. Some fly in watchers got a nice air show from Cooper - Vocal air, that is.

This week Katie will be performing in her last elementary school Christmas program - I think they call it holiday program for political reasons, but we celebrate Christmas in our house, so that's what we call it. I am sad that it ends here, but maybe she'll choose some music program as an elective in middle school for next year. It's so surreal that my little girl will be headed to middle school next year. Hmm. I'm nervous, anxious, excited and slightly terrified by this...I imagine this happens to every parent of every child, boy or girl, but still. It's so different from elementary school and everything is bigger - Classes, sports, cliques, attitudes and .... ..eeek...boyfriends. Nah, she can just wait until she's in college.

On Friday I will have my monthly OB check up. I believe that after that I will start to go in every 2 weeks instead of once a month. We'll have an ultrasound at that appointment and I'll get an update on here after that. The boys' gift exchange is Saturday, and I'm looking forward to that. I'll get to see some friends that I don't get to see often, and if all goes well, I'll do some butt kickin' at the after dinner couples poker game. I've been practicing on POGO (free game website) during my "put my feet up" time and have won several tournaments that I am pretty proud of. Corey has taught me well, and I hope that I don't get stupid playing in a real game. Practice, practice!

So, as I type this, my children are watching "Grandma got ran over by a reindeer." I know the song, but I had no idea that it was a cartoon. In the show, the family dog just found grandma's shoes and fruitcake in the! When I was 15 my grandparents took me and a friend up to Mt. Bachelor on our snowmobiles to get a Christmas tree and, to make the story short, my grandma got ran over by her snowmobile. Granddad and I put together the song that I'll always remember:

Granny got ran over by a snowmobile
on her way to cut a tree one day
You can say there's no such thing as killer snowmobiles
But as for me and granddad, we believe.

It was a cold and winter Sunday
when we went up to find a tree
But somehow gran fell off her snowmobile
and twisted up her foot and hurt her knee.

At first she thought that it was nothing.
But day by day her foot turned black
We took her in to get an x-ray
And found she broke her ankle right in half!

Granny got ran over by a snowmobile........

And, you know the rest. Onward to more Christmas memories, hopefully none consisting of killer snowmobiles!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Deck the Halls

I can't even count on my fingers the number of times I have cried over the past few days. The stupidest thing will set me off; An onstar commercial on the radio, a reuniting scene on TV, Cooper crying because he's really sad...........It's so annoying. I cried to myself the other day because I couldn't find my keys. I feel so overemotional, and I want to control it, but for some reason (could be that I'm pregnant with twins) it seems to be in control of itself. This is very much unlike me, as my emotions are usually in check. For the sake of my husband and my children, however, I pray that this oversensitive, easily jolted, super emotional side of me finds it's way home, away from me, really, really soon.

I can feel the little girls moving around, kicking, squirming and having a blast in this enormous thing in the middle of me that was once a belly. Now, yes, I've always been a chubby chick, and my belly sure hasn't been flat in...........Come to think of it, I don't know if it ever has been!! But, this belly now is more like a giant round pillow that I've stuffed under my shirt for play. Only it's not for play. I was in Walmart today and while in line I struck up a conversation with a lady in front of me who had a 3 1/2 month old daughter. She was cooing, gurgling and smiling at Cooper. The lady said, "She loves to look at and jabber at other babies, does yours?" I said "Yes, and hopefully that will continue when his twin sisters are born this Spring." After a small congrats and a disclosure of month they are due she snuck in "I thought you looked pretty pregnant, but I didn't want to say anything, just in case you really weren't. You can never tell anymore." So for those of you who haven't seen me in a while, just imagine me, looking 8 months pregnant, but not being so. I can only hope that I'll still be able to walk in 2 months when I'm only 7 months along!!

Since my doctors have put me on the Protonix for my heartburn I haven't felt one ounce of pain. It has been so wonderful not having to worry about whether my acid reflux is going to be so bad that I'll have to leave the room just in case I have to puke. That's not a fun way to go about your day, but that's the way that it's been for me every day, for months. Until Protonix. I am very thankful to the person who invented this wonderful concoction.

We put our Christmas tree up yesterday and it is beautiful. The stored decorations were brought out, and one by one we decorated walls, shelves, counters, and of course, the tree. Cooper can truly enjoy the tree this year, as he is walking, talking and can reach everything on it. He even shouted out " Pitty" which of course, in Cooptalk is "pretty." We have placed a baby gate all around the tree, and though funny, it looks like it was meant to be. An old Santa we had was in the trash due to years of falling apart, and Cooper found it solidly attaching himself to it. I couldn't understand at first, but then I saw: The santa was holding a bag full of toys and one of the toys in the bag was a train. Cooper is in LOVE with trains now and he wasn't letting that one out of his sight. He hung on to it with all his might, but I was unable to remove the train from the santa. It was glued, screwed in and stuck on to other little toys in the bag - It was just a decoration, not ever meant to be played with by a train struck little toddler. The garbage welcomed it this morning with an open lid.

Katie just loved the decorations, and was very helpful in placing them all on the tree this year. She reminisced on ornaments she's received in the past with "Mama, remember this one?" or "Dad, remember when you gave me this one?" She danced around with a princess ornament her granny gave her and later found Christmas hats that she placed on her and Cooper. We were able to snag a picture of it before they ripped the hats off. Christmas music was in the background and the house smelled fantastic. It was al l the little things that help me get in to the holiday spirit and I loved every minute of it.

I have backed out of the annual Christmas bunco party with my bunco team this year. I feel bad, but at the same time, I know my friends will understand that I just need to rest and be with my family during that time. Corey and I have our own annual Christmas party that we are hosting (with another couple, thank goodness) the following weekend, and it will be a late, very busy event. This is the dinner party where a group of guys (8 of the 10 participating this year) get together for a gift exchange, and bring their wives. They have done this for a decade or so, beginning long before any of them had wives or girlfriends - It will probably continue on for decades more. So, we thought that four weekends in a row of leaving the children with family is too much for them, which means too much for me, too. Now, I'm off to continue planning our holidays and keeping it close to home. Home is where the heart is so that's where I ought to be!! On with the joy!!