Sunday, October 5, 2008

I made it

Cooper is learning fast; It's ONLY mama that has babies in her tummy. For a while when we asked where the baby was he'd tap dad's tummy or even Katie's along with mine. We've finally convinced him that mama's the different one.
With the babies on the way we have decided that one of our two labs needs to go to a different home. I put out a notice to friends and family last week and we had quite a fast response. Flip and Maija discussed taking her, but agreed to let another interested family meet her and see if they had a connection. The family, a really nice couple with two young girls, came yesterday to meet her. Though Annie was shy with them at first she really warmed up to them quickly, in turn making the family fall for her. They have decided that they do want her. Natalie, the mom, is on her way out of the country for a couple of weeks, but will take Annie when she returns. We're very excited for Annie to have this opportunity. Doyle, our male lab, has been so dominant with her that he has sometimes hurt her pretty bad. We know that it's in Annie's best interest to have this chance with a family who is able to focus only on her. In fact, they've already investigated obedience classes for her. We love that they will be her new owners.

We have been discussing the layout of our house, and how we'll room our 4 children. Sure, we don't have a mansion, but we're (Corey mostly) fairly creative, and can make the best of any situation. We have 3 bedrooms, a family room and a living room. We're pretty sure that the "family room", which is currently used as the daycare room, will be Katie's room. It's big, roomy, and though it has a sliding glass door that is often used as the point of entry to the house, we'll block that off and put an alarm on it. No, we won't be telling this to miss Katie. haha. But, we can put doors on the entry point to the room from the inside and close it up, making it a 4th bedroom. That way we can put the babies in her room and keep them closer to us. I have faith that it will all work out, and with Corey's crazy obsession with interior design and rearranging, this should be a fun project.

I can now feel some slight "flutters" in my tummy. they're in the same spot each time, so I'm pretty sure it's bouncing babies and not just gas. It will be several weeks before I can feel actual kicking, but I'm looking forward to seeing the twins fight it out in their little sacs. It should be quite a sight from the outside! I'd love to say I'm feeling better, but the moment I say it I'll probably get heart burn. That seems to be the way it goes; Feel great, feel like crap. Feel great, oh, yep, there it is, feel like crap. I'm no longer involuntarily vomiting, which is great, but when I can't eat, that horrible, nauseated feeling is still there. If this doesn't last the whole pregnancy, ya know, that wouldn't be so bad. I'm in mostly all maternity clothes now. It's pretty obvious I'm pregnant and my regular jeans certainly don't fit anymore. Thank goodness for maternity jeans. My only downfall is that I have no butt....Let me rephrase that; I have a large flat area that consumes my back end, and I have trouble keeping my pants up. Ha. I asked Corey this morning if he had a pair of suspenders in the house and he just looked at me like I was crazy. Sorry, honey. I was just being honest!

Day before yesterday was my 30th birthday. It has been pretty traumatic for me getting ready to turn 30. My wonderful husband took me to Skamania Lodge for dinner and it was so romantic. Just a nice, quiet time for the two of us, which is something that we don't have too often. He bought me a beautiful pair of earrings, and put together a gift bag from Coop and Kate with bath stuff, lotion and jordan almonds. He ordered a pregnancy pillow that I had asked for some time back and it should be here soon - Yay! He spent time looking for just the right pair of earrings, and found a beautiful pair at HR Jewelers that had an opal in it - My birthstone. Absolutely beautiful. And I must give him kudos for actually going downtown and, by god, meter parking! He must really love me to do something like that. Flip, Maija and Kim got me a new pot and pan set, and Maija picked up a beautiful pair of earrings as well and labeled them from Cooper. I had also requested strawberry shortcake and Kim whipped that up for me as well. My grandma visited last weekend and brought me new maternity tops, very welcomed, and a big fuzzy blanket - I freeze when pregnant. It was perfect.

I never would have imagined being 30 and pregnant with twins. Double the emotions! But, I know that I'm in a good place and I have family here that love and support us, making this journey that much easier. I actually made it to my thirties....It hasn't completely sunk in yet. The glamour magazines say that 40 is the new 30 which means I have 10 years to do some remodeling and improvements on my shrine. Giving birth to twins has to be a fantastic workout, and god knows that the months to follow should provide some good excercise. This great life only has room to get better. What a blessing!

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