Thursday, September 25, 2008

Dance Party!

Today we met with our new OB doctor, Dr. Elaine Adsit, and had the "works" done at this first appointment with her. I had been in this clinic several times, as it is part of Providence - I worked there for 3 years prior to leaving after Cooper's birth. It was different, however, being in there and being the patient. The rooms are enormous, the atmosphere relaxing, and all the equipment is all a little more up to date than other family practice clinics. Corey and I were roomed and the first thing he said was "I already like this place, a lot." That was reassuring to me. I need him to feel somewhat comfortable in this journey because he's not just the hubby who goes to appointments, he's my labor coach, my confidant, my best friend. And, what I might miss along the way, he can usually catch. I love that.

This appointment was full of all sorts of things. I'd lost a pound in 2 weeks...Yay for me! My blood pressure was down to normal which was something I was quite worried about. They gave us a "new OB patient" packet full of all sorts of information - What to expect in my visits throughout the pregnancy, when I'll have certain tests done, how often I'll be seen, mulitples pregnancy support group info - Just lots of really great information that will come in handy for us. This office seemed very prepared for us and the doctor knew most of my OB history before she walked in the room - That was wonderful for us. Just by her knowing that history it made me feel like I had known her before this appointment, and I was glad we picked her.

After my oh so fun exam, it was time for the ultrasound and Corey bounded out of his seat to get a good view. Since he wasn't able to make it to the first appointment I wanted to make sure that he was there this time to witness the twins on the ultrasound firsthand. It was beautiful. The doctor was able to find the babies effortlessly and explained to us the "Baby A" and "Baby B" references that she'll make throughout the pregnancy. Baby A will always be closest to the cervix, and, the first to be delivered if we have a natural birth. Baby B sits higher, and will be born second. We got to see them both today active and well, hearts beating strong. Baby B is a mover and a shaker. We saw him (or her) moving around like he was at a dance party. We saw his arms move, his legs move, and his whole body shift. It was pretty incredible. Baby A was not nearly as active as Baby B, but if it's a girl, as Corey suspects, she was just sitting back and hanging on while brother (as Corey also suspects) danced around and shook them both silly. It was quite a show that the babies put on for us. We loved it.

Corey promised the boys at his office pictures of the babies - Dr. Adsit got pictures that showed the head, arms and legs of both babies. I love seeing Corey react to such an incredible thing. He was so proud of those pictures, and when we came out of the room he asked the office staff, "Do you wanna see my babies??!!" Tonight, we'll show off the new pictures to the family while we celebrate Kim's 36th birthday. I am constantly reminded that this is my last week of being in my 20's. Not really sure what I can do to feel any younger at this point, but there is a strangeness, a desperate kind of feeling I've had recently in thinking about my impending "I'm in my 30's" declaration.

In my what to do/what not to do during pregnancy sheet I received at the visit today, it mentioned that getting my hair colored and nails done is something that is OK as long as there is good ventilation. I may have to take advantage of that so that my gray hairs don't start popping out all over. Maybe that would help me feel younger - Maybe I'll just surprise Corey with a nice hair chop! tee hee. JUST KIDDING!!

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