Saturday, March 14, 2009

Still Baking

I don't think I'm patient enough anymore to sit here and think through a really good blog, so it's gonna be short. I'm still pregnant - There are ups and downs to this, but I do think the ups outweigh the downs. The NST yesterday went great. Both girls cooperated and my blood pressure was lower than it has been. Great. I still felt cruddy but was happy that there were some improvements. At my OB appointment I found, once again, I had not gained or lost a single ounce. I asked them if their scale was broken, but it wasn't.

At my last appointment the doc told us about the "hands and knees, then down on to my arms" trick that sometimes turns, or moves, a baby when presenting breech. It worked!!! But, now they're both breech. Hahahahaha. The nurse took my blood pressure and it read something like 122/72. Yeah, that's great, but there's no way in hell that was my blood pressure. She actually had some difficulty and ran the cuff a couple of times before settling on that number, but neither Corey, the doctor or I was convinced that the reading was correct. They didn't take the pressure again, but my pulse rate was high, so that should have given it away. Anyways, everything looked good, including my bloodwork. My platelets had gone back up to 171...YAY...and all the other readings looked OK. Still a little proteinuria, constant headaches and I still see stars, but with the improvements the doc was hesitant to induce just yet - Especially with both girls now breech. They did, however, inform me that while I was at the hospital for my NST they monitored my contractions and they were coming about every 10 minutes. I've had so many contractions lately, that only a few have caused me to stop and pay closer attention to them. The ones I had yesterday, not so much. But they are increasing in frequency now, so it's just another thing to watch.

I go back in on Monday for another NST and OB appointment - If there are changes in dilation, my blood pressure is higher or something is just too stressful on me or the girls, we will schedule the delivery for Tuesday or Wednesday. Otherwise, I'll go back on Thursday for another round of appointments and we'll schedule the delivery for Friday or Saturday. They would like me to make it to 36 weeks (next Friday) but we're in the safe zone now, so whenever it happens is just fine and dandy with all the docs now. Either way, it looks as though our girls will be here by next weekend. The worst part is that it's looking highly likely that I'll be having a C-Section and I really hoped it wouldn't come to that. Nature works in amazing ways, though, and I know that we're in the home stretch now, and that it's going to be OK.

So, off to more bed rest and I'll update soon!

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