Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Stick a Fork in Me

I was about to begin this blog with "Happy Thursday." But, I think it's Wednesday. Corey may argue this, but I believe that I'm usually aware of my surroundings and everything that's going on, including what day it is. In fact, I swore I had blogged after my visit on Saturday, but I didn't. Lately, I seem to be lacking in general knowledge of the time, date and day of the week. Being on bed rest has not helped - Spending hours upon hours laying down on STRICT bed rest has caused me serious mis-perception in everyday occurrences and I can't wait to get back in to a somewhat normal routine. Yeah, yeah, I know, there's nothing normal about the events that are about to take place in our lives - But to be among the living is something I long for at the moment, and that seems pretty normal.

I'm blogging today and the header wasn't "Birth Announcement" so obviously we haven't had the babies yet. We're just about there, thank goodness.

Yesterday was my scheduled NST and OB appointment. We got to the hospital, 9:30AM, as scheduled, and we were informed that the beds were all full in the maternity ward, they were short staffed, and the last nurse they had was just sent on an emergency transfer from Hood River to Portland. In other words, they had no place to put me for the NST. Unfortunately, this proved to be quite an inconvenience for us - Our OB appointment wasn't until 11:45 and we had just dropped Cooper off with meemaw, at her office, with the intention of picking him up after the OB appointment. Living out of town makes situations like this very difficult, especially with me being on bed rest. So, we decided to pick Cooper back up from meemaw's work and Corey would take him shopping while I laid down in the car. My NST was rescheduled for after my OB appointment. It was comfortable enough laying in the car, but my feet weren't propped up, which they probably should have been. After all the shopping was done and Cooper had his lunch of "buggafies" (burger and fries) we headed over to drop him back off with meemaw. She planned to take him home for his afternoon nap. Off to the doc.....

My weight had gone unchanged in a week - I mean, not an ounce heavier, not an ounce lighter. Exactly the same. I kind of figured that I'd have put on several pounds being on bed rest, continuing to eat the same diet, and not getting around to work out the calories. Nope, not me. My blood pressure was still borderline at 139/92 and my legs and ankles were so swollen. Everything else, however, was still just hovering at the same level it was last Saturday. I had been on a Z-pak (azythromicin) for the sinus and throat infection, and I was feeling somewhat better. The doc checked for dilation with no changes to report. The ultrasound showed that baby A was feet and butt down, and baby B was head down. We're hoping that over the next couple of days baby B will push her way down to become baby A and we'll have that au natural birth. No C Sections, no C Sections, no C Sections, no C Sections...........

My next OB appointment is this Friday, day after tomorrow. If at that appointment my blood pressure is up, or my overall health status is worse, the babies will be delivered Friday night or Saturday. If everything stays the same - No increase in contractions, blood pressure still hovering at 140/90, no headaches, no vision spots - then I'll be scheduled for another routine follow up appointment on Monday or Tuesday, and we'll do the same thing....Maybe they'll deliver that night, maybe not....I have had a headache since last night that is not resolving with Tylenol and my sinus infection seems to be heading back, even with the antibiotic treatment. So, at this rate, they'll be here this weekend unless things improve. I can't argue.

I'm ready to have them. I know, the longer they bake, the better off they'll be. But my brain's baked, my belly is well done in for, and my back isn't as strong as I thought it was. My hips pop when I move, I pee hourly, I can't breathe and I can't put my socks on anymore....That usually means it's time to stick a fork in something, cause it's done.....right?

Poor Maija is currently in the other room with Cooper, hacking and coughing with a hoarse throat that sounds all too much like how my nasty illness began a few days back. It came on fast (within a couple of hours), and I felt better the next day. But later in the afternoon and in to the night it felt like I'd been hit by a truck. The same seems to be happening to her. It hit her last night with a nasty sore throat, and this morning she felt much better. But this afternoon she's losing her voice, her cough is full of rough stuff and I understand it all completely. Corey will be home shortly to relieve her and I hope she goes home to rest. Unfortunately, if her illness continues on the same path as mine, she'll need something to help clear it up. I'm so sorry for passing this on to you, Maija!!!

So, I'm heading in to lay down in the living room to help monitor the boy, and we'll see what happens with the girls at the next appointment......Gotta love this March madness!

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