Thursday, September 25, 2008

Dance Party!

Today we met with our new OB doctor, Dr. Elaine Adsit, and had the "works" done at this first appointment with her. I had been in this clinic several times, as it is part of Providence - I worked there for 3 years prior to leaving after Cooper's birth. It was different, however, being in there and being the patient. The rooms are enormous, the atmosphere relaxing, and all the equipment is all a little more up to date than other family practice clinics. Corey and I were roomed and the first thing he said was "I already like this place, a lot." That was reassuring to me. I need him to feel somewhat comfortable in this journey because he's not just the hubby who goes to appointments, he's my labor coach, my confidant, my best friend. And, what I might miss along the way, he can usually catch. I love that.

This appointment was full of all sorts of things. I'd lost a pound in 2 weeks...Yay for me! My blood pressure was down to normal which was something I was quite worried about. They gave us a "new OB patient" packet full of all sorts of information - What to expect in my visits throughout the pregnancy, when I'll have certain tests done, how often I'll be seen, mulitples pregnancy support group info - Just lots of really great information that will come in handy for us. This office seemed very prepared for us and the doctor knew most of my OB history before she walked in the room - That was wonderful for us. Just by her knowing that history it made me feel like I had known her before this appointment, and I was glad we picked her.

After my oh so fun exam, it was time for the ultrasound and Corey bounded out of his seat to get a good view. Since he wasn't able to make it to the first appointment I wanted to make sure that he was there this time to witness the twins on the ultrasound firsthand. It was beautiful. The doctor was able to find the babies effortlessly and explained to us the "Baby A" and "Baby B" references that she'll make throughout the pregnancy. Baby A will always be closest to the cervix, and, the first to be delivered if we have a natural birth. Baby B sits higher, and will be born second. We got to see them both today active and well, hearts beating strong. Baby B is a mover and a shaker. We saw him (or her) moving around like he was at a dance party. We saw his arms move, his legs move, and his whole body shift. It was pretty incredible. Baby A was not nearly as active as Baby B, but if it's a girl, as Corey suspects, she was just sitting back and hanging on while brother (as Corey also suspects) danced around and shook them both silly. It was quite a show that the babies put on for us. We loved it.

Corey promised the boys at his office pictures of the babies - Dr. Adsit got pictures that showed the head, arms and legs of both babies. I love seeing Corey react to such an incredible thing. He was so proud of those pictures, and when we came out of the room he asked the office staff, "Do you wanna see my babies??!!" Tonight, we'll show off the new pictures to the family while we celebrate Kim's 36th birthday. I am constantly reminded that this is my last week of being in my 20's. Not really sure what I can do to feel any younger at this point, but there is a strangeness, a desperate kind of feeling I've had recently in thinking about my impending "I'm in my 30's" declaration.

In my what to do/what not to do during pregnancy sheet I received at the visit today, it mentioned that getting my hair colored and nails done is something that is OK as long as there is good ventilation. I may have to take advantage of that so that my gray hairs don't start popping out all over. Maybe that would help me feel younger - Maybe I'll just surprise Corey with a nice hair chop! tee hee. JUST KIDDING!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Autumn has arrived!

Today is the first day of Fall. This is the beginning of my favorite time of year. The weather is cooler, which means I can wear clothes and be comfortable in them. It also brings on lots of holidays, get togethers, food (really, really good food), and more time with my husband. The harvest season will be wrapping up in a few weeks so he'll have a little more time to do things that he wants to do, without worrying about whether he's traveled too far from his growers. I know he's looking forward to that.

Last night, as an anniversary present, I took Corey to a show in Portland. I bought the tickets for seating that was above the floor level, but not up in the nosebleed section - I actually paid more for this arrangement - And, was excited to see that our seats were on the aisle. Corey loves having a "quick escape route". The seating arrangement, however, was not how the website displayed it. Yes, we were above the floor level, but only by about 6 inches. And the worst part? We were placed right behind the audio control board and cameramen. This was never disclosed in the seating chart, or in the sales of the tickets. I was livid. How could they sell tickets, higher priced tickets, to people and then give them an obstructed view? We left halfway through the show with that being one of the reasons. I'll be calling them today.

Night before last the family sat down to dinner and began our normal discussion of each persons day. We then focused on Cooper. He cannot tell us about his day, but is determined to tell us something. So we ask, "What does a Lion say?" He responds "roooooaaaarrrr!" Then, "What does a cow say?" "Moooooooo", he responds. "What does Katie say?" He screams in response. Well, "What does daddy say?", daddy asks. "No, no, no!" He says. We all laugh. But I'm curious; If daddy says "no no no", then what does mommy say? I ask him. He responds "me me me!" The laughing resumes and Cooper joins in. He thinks that was pretty funny. Oh those wonderful moments of parenthood. Just think, one year from now we'll have a jabbery boy, a tweeny bopper and two curious little babies to pine over. What an adventure. I look forward to seeing how well the children function together.

The schedule for the upcoming week is full of all sorts of things; birthday parties, doctors appointments, school stuff, meetings with photographers, and as I just found out at 10:30 last night - A visit from my grandma. I'll make sure to get lots of extra rest, as I think I might need it.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Double the joyful news

Let me begin a few months back......

Corey and I have been trying to concieve for a while, and though unsuccessful thus far, we weren't really getting too discouraged. The pregnancy would be number 3 for me, number 2 for him. Our first baby, Cooper, was born in May of last year and he has been such a joy for us. Katie, my 10 year old daughter, has been a great help with him. Though it was hard for her to become adjusted to having a baby in the house, after being an only child for so long, she hung in there with us and learned the ups and downs, ins and outs of being a great sister. Now, Cooper just adores her. We saw how hard it was for Katie not to have a sibling to grow up with, and we just didn't want that for Cooper too.

On August 9, 2008 Corey bought the family a new 4 wheel drive vehicle, with plenty of room, of course, and we picked miss Katie up from visiting her dad in California for the summer. It was an eventful day, but we were pretty anxious for the next day. On the morning of August 10 - a Sunday - I took our first pregnancy test. I had completed the last round of fertility treatments that I could for the year, so we were pretty nervous to find out results. It was the first test for this month of trying; We had taken MANY before this time during other months. It was the Clearblue Digital HPT - You know, the one that is so catchy with that commercial line "It's the most advanced piece of technology you will ever pee on". Ha! Corey wanted to make sure that I had just that...The best of the best. Quite funny if you ask me. We had a deal: Corey would be the first to see the test and without saying a word of the results I would follow. He looked and when he came out of the bathroom there was no response. I got nothing...Darn! So in I go, heart racing. I looked at the test and what do I see? A nice, big, "positive". I had to look again. And, again. And, again. I gasped and Corey let out a big "woohoo!" It was yet another eventful, exciting day.....

A week after we found out we finally started to tell people. For his family we edited one of Cooper's books with the big announcement at the end. I called friends and family and everyone was excited for us. I was 5 weeks along when the news broke. Early for most people to start announcing a pregnancy, but I wasn't worried at all.

I had an abundance of morning (all day in my case) sickness, and I felt myself growing over the weeks. At about 7 weeks I couldn't believe how the sickness was getting to me - I was having a hard time just going to town (still am). At about 8 weeks I was wondering how I'd put on 5 pounds despite having consumed less food in a week than a 100 pound vegetarian could in a day and why my clothes were beginning to get snug. Corey jokingly told people that it was obvious: We were having twins. ha. Haha.

September 12, 2008. This Friday morning was exciting as it was the first OB appointment. Corey couldn't make it as he was so busy with the pear harvest, but I promised not to discuss the appointment with anyone until I had shared all details with him. I go in to the office and get all sorts of congratulations..It's quite heartwarming. I am taken back to the room by Val, Dr. Dillon's nurse. I have been to this office many times, but have never met Val. She'd been there a while, I'd seen her there. I like her. She seems very nice and laid back - Just what I need. She weighs me. ugh. I hate those numbers, but oh well....The scale shows I've gained 6 pounds since I got pregnant. Hmmm. We go to the room and she takes my blood pressure. It's high, and Val asks me if that's normal. It is, but only during pregnancy. Dr. Dillon comes in and we talk about dates, fertility, and general "welcome to pregnancy" stuff. She asks if I would like to see the baby and I say of course. I was going to ask her if she didn't bring it up first, as I promised Corey a picture of his little punkin. She plops on the tummy goo and whips the wand out. We've been through this before, it's nothing new, nothing shocking. I could only see a little bit of the screen, but I know she wanted to locate the baby before I saw the screen. She wasn't saying anything at first, but then mutters "huh." My heart sank. Who wants to hear "huh" while you're having an ultrasound done. She turns the monitor toward me and asks, "Do you see what I see?" I do. I'd seen it online before. There isn't a baby there. No, there are TWO babies. HOLY COW! The doctor is not sure how to respond, or how I expect her to respond so she just says "wow." I reassure her that Corey and I had discussed and knew the chance of this happening - There were several factors. I was so nervous and shocked that I really didn't know what to think. After the doctor printed out those amazing ultrasound photos for me to take I went to the car and sat there. It's so shocking to find out that you're carrying twins...I never imagined this overwhelming, exciting, tremendously scared feeling could happen to a person. It was the meeting of every emotion imaginable. I wanted so bad to call Corey and just tell him, but, that's not how he wanted to find out. I called him anyway, but to see if he would like me to stop into his office with the picture. He says no, but he would be home at noon to see it. Maija had watched Cooper while I was at the appointment, and she asked me about it when I picked Cooper up - I told her that I didn't know anything just yet..I felt so horrible!! But, I did promise Corey that he'd be the first to know everything.

I called him at 9Am. That 3 hour wait until he got home was the longest wait ever... But then he finally came home. He asked to see the picture and I informed him that Dr. Dillon took 3 photos. I handed them to him. He studied them for a moment and said "Cara, I see the baby, but it looks like there are two sacs, not just one." I said teasingly "It does??" He knew immediately. He jumped up, kissed me, screamed a little and bounced a few more times around the house before settling into his own wonderment. It was so wonderful to see this man so happy about twins. Later that evening he called his mom and told her the incredible news. When I got home from an outing that evening, the house was filled with pies, ice cream, balloons, flowers, and, I love this one: Doublemint Gum!!

Needless to say, this odd weight gain, the early need for the maternity clothes and the massive amount of nausea and vomiting now had a reason for their happening. Double the joyful news.

I am now 10 weeks, and we will be seeing a new OB doc next week. Dr. Dillon is soon leaving on a Sabbatical to South America and will be gone for 6 months. She won't return until after the babies are born. The new doctor is strictly OB/GYN, so with this "high risk" pregnancy I think that seeing this Dr. Elaine Adsit will be great for us. I've done some research, and I believe that she will be the best match for us - Educated, strictly OB and GYN, has delivered twins in the past, is part of a very top notch OB clinic, has lots of newer machines in the clinic, and, to top it off she is the mother of young twins. How lucky for us.