Monday, April 27, 2009

Laughter truly is the best medicine

There are moments in life that we all just want to scream. Sometimes we want to scream at someone or something - Most often because of something that person has done, or because the something didn't cooperate with us. And, then there are the times that we want to scream at ourselves. Though I don't find myself wanting to scream much of the time, I have felt myself getting a little "bluesy" a time or two over the past week. At least I'm woman enough to admit it, and though I certainly don't believe it to be post partum depression, I still search for ways to uplift my mood. The best medicine of all, as most of us know, is laughter. This week for several reasons, I have found myself laughing so hard sometimes that tears were running down my face. I'm not releasing those "happy endorphins" through exercise, but I feel my spirits rise each time I laugh. Of course, I have to share some of the laughter inducing incidents and stories that I was blessed with this week.

It all began with Katie. Though beautiful she is, there is a reason we didn't name her Grace. One evening we asked Katie to keep an eye on Cooper - This request is usually followed by "Just stand there, or sit there. But, don't go to Cooper - Let HIM come to you." We sound like a broken record whenever we say that, but we need to remind her each time. So, she did just that this particular evening. She stood still while watching him play around her. Now, I still don't know why it happened, but as Corey and I looked over at her she had confused look on her face. She turned to look at Cooper, forgot to move her feet, and she fell.....She had tripped over her own feet while standing still. It doesn't sound as funny as I type it, but it really was. The poor kid fell all the way to the ground. Saturday was her first softball game of the season and because it was so cold, I went to the game alone while Corey stayed home with the small children. Her first time up to bat she looked ready...She was positioned well, had a mouthful of chewing gum and had a determined look on her face. Pitch one: She swings, she misses. That's OK. Pitch two: It's a fast ball. She swings, she hits it, and the child forgets to run. She watches as the ball rolls past the first baseman and her teammates just kind of look at her like she's crazy. She looks up at me, and again, she had that confused look on her face. She shrugged her shoulders and I couldn't help but laugh. She's such a dopey little child at times. She made up for that little incident, however, by hitting a nice grounder with all bases loaded and getting an RBI.

Last Friday, Corey and some friends traveled to Portland in an RV for an event that the guys were participating in. There were 6 of them, and the RV was just a comfortable option for them. After their arrival at the venue, Rob, the owner of the RV, opened up the tip out to make more room for the 6 guys inside. That was about 5:30pm. They went about their business, put on their show, and headed out of the parking lot around 9pm. Some of the guys had been drinking that evening, including Rob, so another guy took over the driving. As they headed out of the parking lot people were staring at them with looks that made them wonder if they were just driving too fast in the parking lot. They continued to get looks as they drove down the road. A few blocks into their trip Rob screams out "OH MY GOD, PULL OVER!!!" Amidst all their fun, excitement, and, ahem, drinks, every single one of the men on board neglected to notice that the tip out was still out - I have never seen an RV in motion while the tip out was out, but I could just imagine how ridiculous they all looked. I laughed until I cried while Corey told me this. The driver mentioned something later about how the RV was "tilting" to the right, and wondered why he couldn't see out of his right rear view mirror. LOL!

And, finally, there's little Cooper. He's a bounding, emotional, intelligent little boy that is such a joy to have around. Every time I look at him he's doing something different. He watches as Corey and I care for the twins, and he has 2 baby dolls that he mimics our actions with. But, honestly, it's when he speaks that just cracks me up. A few months ago something happened that upset me and I yelled out "Dammit!" Unfortunately, I said this in front of Cooper. Since then, he says that word (compliments of negative reinforcement from Daddy) in a correct manner. For instance, he knocked over a plate of food onto the floor a few days ago. His response? "Dammit!" And, then, there's the time he fell off a chair and hurt his leg. His response then? "Bonk, Dammit!" "Bonk" is his word for hurt. As awful as it is, I find that often I remove myself from his view after he's said it so that he doesn't catch me laughing hysterically at him. I am, however, working diligently on reprogramming "Dammit" to be "Uh, oh!" We're getting there. This past weekend he showed us a little more of his speaking ability. While Corey was working on a project on the computer, Coop went up to him and asked "What doin' Corey?" I heard Corey break out in to laughter and remind Cooper that he's daddy. So Cooper responds with "Well, what doin' daddy?" Hearing him speak so well, so clearly, makes me love this part of his age. He is on the verge of potty training - He tells us when he has to poo, and he lets us know if he's peed or pooed so that we can change his diaper. We picked up a little potty chair for him last weekend and his first package of pull ups. I'm not as ready for it as he is, so I haven't put a pull up on him yet. Maybe I will next week. In 2 weeks he turns 2 and we're shooting for a Yo Gabba Gabba party, as that is his favorite show. He loves to sing, dance and move all around, which is the basis for the show. It probably won 't be a big party, but it will be fun. He enjoys things now and I love to watch him to see what he'll do or say next.

Each day I try to capture a moment to remember. A word from Cooper, a look from one of the twins, a crazy thing Katie does or even a silly story from Corey is what I look forward to each day. You always hear people tell you to live life to the fullest, and though I don't live life out on the edge or traveling in another country, I have my family, my friends and my oh so crazy life to keep me filled with more than I could ask for. Each day is an adventure for me now and each adventure is new. It's almost worth writing a comic strip about......Hmmm. I wonder.......

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